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Everything posted by 1976_Child

  1. We're going to win six nill!...
  2. do you mean that we should keep posting until the game has finished, or keep our posts un-posted until after the game?
  3. oh, well that looks slightly better...
  4. thanks.
  5. ...Bridge, no question. but more importantly who would have been better of being left back in the changing room... (that blokey who we paid shed loads for and never played?...what was his name now?)
  6. I is confused.com Did Darling say that we can now apply to pay our VAT bills later than normal or was that a Tory idea that never got off the ground? If anyone else out there is VAT registered and has worked this out could you let me know.. most appreciated. cheers
  7. very funny!
  8. Oh when the Saints! Oh when the Saints! Oh when the Saints go marching in! I wanna be in that number! Oh when the Saints go marching in!
  9. In all honesty I reckon we will thump plymouth tonight. I can see us having one of our 6-0 days. Up the Saints!!
  10. Playoffs? Ticket allowances? You need to see a brain doctor my friend. We ain't going anywhere near the playoffs this season. Sad as it makes me..
  11. I wouldn't want pompey for a £1. Well, actually, if I was rich enough I would buy them and then saw off fratton from the rest of the country, tow it out to sea and sink it. Skates belong in the sea, not on land.
  12. oh whoopee f\/cking doo. that will really help. Cheers Darling. spineless ***t. How about a real tax cut paid for by cutting the size of the state. And then come 2011 we all have to pay shed loads more in tax. Labour bankrupts Britain....again.
  13. Well the f@cking horse-eating, cheese-gargling surrender monkeys can shove that idea up their merde-holes.
  14. the Loan Ranger.
  15. I heard a rumour that Lowe was planning to sell all the fans from Block 41 to Portsmouth. If true, then it only confirms that he hasn't got a clue. Sell the Chapel mice by all means, but not the Northam.
  16. No, but he has taken all the club's forwards (away).
  17. Oh My God! I have just got back to my car. I just have to power up the laptop and get this off my chest: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS GET IN THERE MY SAINTS!!!!! Christ, I've been sitting in amongst the most hard-core of the Reading Faithful trying very hard to not make a sound and leave the ground alive. Trust me, if you want to test your poker face do what i just did. We beat Reading, I'm pretending to be a reading supporter and all along just wanted to jump up and down and tell them that our super, super Saints have beaten their crappy mob. YESSSSSSSS FINALLY I GET TO SHOUT ABOUT IT..... (and now for the drive home before my car gets its windows smashed....) WELL DONE LADS! QUALITY FOOTBALL, GREAT RESULT!!!
  18. I was a bit late in getting a ticket and all our allocation has gone so I bought a ticket in the home section. I will be sitting on my hands and pretending I don't even speak English. Yey, verily I say, "come on Reading, you can do it!" "boo to Southampton" etc. etc. wouldn't miss this one for the world...
  19. Marmite. Discuss.
  20. I am a: Lowe is a piece of:
  21. Portsmouth can shove their blue shirts up their f@cking arses. ****ing smelly sh!t hole of a skate-smellying dung heap piece of crap town with a w@nky turd covered fratton smeg-filled cum-stained so-called 'stadium'.
  22. I need a cleaner/house keeper. Brighton. will pay £8 per hour. will neither give, nor request sexual favours.
  23. The solent is mostly water. Lymington is a crap place to go for a beer. Lowe out. Brown out.
  24. Breaking news: "The government is actively recruiting anyone even vaguely talented to help run the country. After 12 years of profligacy, political correctness and selling out to Europe HM Government is all spent and needs a direct infusion of talent. Applicants are requested to send a covering letter and CV to Parliament regardless of whether they take it up the bum or prefer slipping one up the skirt."
  25. yeah, thanks. The thought had crossed my mind already. But why should i have to? This really sucks. It is ALWAYS the little people who get f@cked up. The fat-cats still keep on licking their cream and getting big bonuses. Why should I have to have a fight with my bank when there is absolutely nothing wrong with my business. I am not in trouble, i have firm orders and they go and stuff my life up. They are premier-grade arseholes.
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