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  1. wimp. go on. Do tell
  2. Why am I a moron? Pray tell...
  3. Manure are a load of old sh!te. Always said it, always will.
  4. 1976_Child

    Ben Reeves

    "The last thing I want to do is write a young player off but I am not convinced by him at all" Fek off. How the feking heck can you even start to be even possibly feking convinced by him at this stage of his career. He is barely blooded. n0b.
  5. yeah. it would have. glad someone is feking paying attention.
  6. She is fit. and got the first button on her blouse undone. But still. Even though I have a semi: fek off this is football. Gary L is a feking pigs dinner of a face but at least he is a bloke.
  7. For fek's sake. Women have no place in football. Fek off and do needle work or something. Don't feking get involved in football. Fek all this equality sh!te. I hold all humans equally equal to me. That doesn't mean that women get to pollute my football enjoyment. I tell you, it won't be long until the feking suffragettes get us to have to some feking dripping bint play upfront with Lambo. Women. Fek off out of our game.
  8. I think Papa already had a work permit in another EU country (Italy?) and so was a formality.
  9. Please remove those apostrophes from their names!
  10. Tadanari Lee ? Or do the Japanese put the last name first, can't remember.
  11. Excellent news. Bring him on! Might just be the perfect 'spark' we need to reinvigorate the team. He used to play for a team in Hiroshima.... so I reckon he is bound to be Radioactive !! (I'll get my coat)
  12. went through a baileys phase last Christmas. Ended up so drunk one night that I spilled a pint of the stuff on the carpet and then passed out without cleaning it up. In the morning my feet literally stuck to the carpet and it stank. given it a rest this time.
  13. Lowe out ffs.
  14. you can always sell your flat. At any time. Just depends what price you get.
  15. my goodness you are naive.
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