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Everything posted by Oz

  1. Oz

    portaloo out

    he is 7/1 3rd. favourite to be first out of the door!
  2. job done, lol
  3. under 15,000 as i have said before! maybe a point though
  4. Oz

    McCann can

  5. Oz

    portaloo out

    get rid of lowe, wilde and portaloo would be a start!
  6. now i know your daft,
  7. Oz

    Danny Guthrie

    absolute nonsense, hcdajfu as could joey barton
  8. Oz

    portaloo out

    you living in cloud cuckoo land or what? the fact of the matter is we are heading for a points total of less than 30 and gates of under 15,000. this needs to be addressed - NOW!
  9. Oz

    McCann can

    where is the jock these days? playing 4 falkirk?
  10. Oz

    portaloo out

    when does the chemical waste company pick up its loos? portaloo should be collected alongwith those other two pieces of s***e lowe and wilde! imho
  11. lowe out!
  12. didnee tek the jocks long to work him oot! McOz
  13. incorrect - perry and holmes also in
  14. i got castigated by some on here for suggesting that at least once we would dip below 15,000 fans and that we would struggle to get 30 points! 3 points from 4 games!
  15. not true, venables bought that oufit down the road for that! lol
  16. lowe out!
  17. average home attendance this season is 4,000 down on last season 17,000 now - 21,000 last season
  18. got mine this a.m. it had 'harry' written on the box, is that his name? he will live a cosy life in my house, no way could i put him outside - i live in paulsgrove!
  19. what a really intelligent reply, i don't think
  20. when saul had his revelation, he said "is that you Lord?" does that mean you saw lowe! if so why did you not ask him then, before you were blinded?
  21. harry redknapp has an article in the news today concerning his view that the football manager as we have known and loved/hated is on his way out. the big money men have moved in and will continue to do so and will insist on their shekels being spent their way. coaches and directors of football will be employed by them to cover the football side with what they are left with. he is of course, dead right. sky sports, the so-called premiership and winner take all philosophy will have a lot to answer for in the years to come.
  22. i'm not putting mine in my garden, i live in paulsgrove
  23. lol
  24. till christmas, although i think next may could be fairer
  25. spot on post
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