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Everything posted by Oz

  1. i have not been nor will i go until lowe and wilde have left this club.
  2. i am going for saints 1 watford 2
  3. or jack cork!
  4. no, both he and lowe will take us down!
  5. lowe out and a decent manager, we would be back into the 80/90& you just got to accept it, soccer and sfc are in terminal decline!
  6. giving rupert a job
  7. you missed out nigel pearson
  8. imho he is just a puppet and is being 'worked' by lowe. you will no doubt recall that lowe kept in touch with him (Portaloo) after he was ousted for some time. lowe is as fly as they come and bhe needed a patsy bas manager as he always has done. lowe out
  9. i was amazed at the final government/opposition verdict that ' we have been over-dipping into the credit pot' and that has been the main cause of the country's economic state. this has been obvious to most thinking people for some time. get now and pay later! that has been the policy of many people for some time. football clubs/directors are no different to any other groups. you only have to look at the finances of most soccer clubs to see that.. what was it that charles dickens wrote through mr. mcawber................. what must and will happen is a complete sort out and thankfully hm government have spotted this, albeit too late for a lot of us, and there is going to be a lot of sour medicine that we all must take in the meantime. as regards our beloved saints fc and God knows how many others they could go 'to the wall', but i believe they will re-emerge all the stronger but it is going to take a long, long time.
  10. Oz

    SMS Trading

    yes, we are doomed, doomed, doomed my lovlies!
  11. only a week or so ago they were 27.5p a share
  12. Oz


    you and me both!
  13. Oz


    btw - lowe out!
  14. Oz


    having predicted the correct score and result for yesterday's game, i remain convinced that we are heading for div 1. also the attendances will get lower and lower as the season 'digresses' once again lowe got it wrong (Nigel Pearson) and employed a 'powder puff' manager! can't you guys see who has/is wrecking OUR club?
  15. graham le seaux did not do too bad for us!
  16. you avin a larf, or wot!
  17. coventry 4 saints 1
  18. Oz

    mick channon

  19. 2 reasons - lowe and wilde
  20. Oz

    mick channon

    n e 1 got n e further news on mick's condition?
  21. not if you have it, you stupid ignorant person
  22. in fact they had 10 different nationalities the odd one was an italian but born in switzerland!
  23. me too!
  24. psalm16 verse 3 RIP Bob
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