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Everything posted by saint-rich

  1. Some changes at half time please AP. I think we need holmes off, put lallana on the left and bring on connolly upfront COYR
  2. Thanks god we have Davis back in the team. Oh no, we've lost hammond - we might struggle now :S
  3. this from lasts nights game at carlisle. no change there then http://www.news-and-star.co.uk/news/nine_arrests_after_carlisle_united_and_portsmouth_football_match?referrerPath=home
  4. i see ajax beat bristol cilty 4-0 tonight.
  5. is the monthly installment plan still available this year or not?
  6. also the ajax game prices are up and they are £10 for adults and free for under 12 and senior citizens. pretty reasonable
  7. also the ajax game prices are up the and £10 for adults and free for under 12 and senior citizens. pretty reasonable
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