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lil 1

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  1. lil 1

    Shade's of 76

    west brom at home?
  2. ask him why he joined the lot down the road
  3. Not my favourite city,but London is the best in Europe
  4. 4/1 now
  5. Great day out and the best ever season for the SO postcode.
  6. Im going.Also looking forward to the open top bus on Sunday,starting at Subways and finishing at the Post Office.Wont take long.Up the Mush!!
  7. Never heard this storey before.Anyone else on there
  8. I went to school across the road from the Dell,so used to see the goings on there throughout the 70s.The players training in the car park,seeing ossie before news got out that he was signing for us,being given Anderlect scarfs through the school railings,saints playing at 2pm on a tuesday during the power cuts,the whole school seeing off the cup wining team for their tour of Eastleigh on the Monday,buying packs of old programmes from the Halo club and finding a European cup final one amongst them,but my favourite memory was when we had Rangers in the Texeco cup.Loads of them were down first thing in the morning,went in the Saints shop and robbed loads of souvenirs,and gave them to us in the playground.What they didnt realise is that we were a catholic school!!
  9. Although changes had to be made over the years,i dont think the Dell was ever the same when they made half the Milton the family centre 79/80? season. That said,i had some of my best days/nights at that unique football ground.
  10. Barbour,poor mans Belstaff.
  11. Was there for the 81 match.Song of the day was 'well bring the scouse down oh oh oh oh oh' sung to the Slade comeback tune
  12. Meet Dougal once through work,its fair to say he didnt like the skates. Redpath nearly got me killed on more than one occasion. What about deaf and dumb Tony,the Millwall supporter or the deaf and dumb Indian lad.
  13. When did Saints mob start using the Archers?The first time i remember seeing one was against Sunderland in 1977/
  14. I was at that,think it was the first ever match at St Marys.Hes always been ****.
  15. good work mate
  16. the black bloke you talk about died a few weeks ago.He was very well respected,not just at Millwall ,but[ across London.Even some well known West Ham faces turned up at the funeralQUOTE=Rut;1623955]Millwall Football Club - the truth ( http://www.lifesapitch.co.uk/opinions/millwall-football-club-the-truth/ ) gives a more balanced view. Plus if you go back to the infamous pub scene from the Millwall Panorama documentary there is a black bloke in the pub with them. It's Northerners they don't like ('what you talking about - away' - comedy gold now actually): 5s
  17. i dont know you but feel sorry for you
  18. id say defo best win at st marys,possibly best win since the 6-3 against man u?
  19. talks more sense than anyone.
  20. love your positive mental attitude
  21. thats crazy talk.what are we gonna put in it?
  22. the style council at the gaumont happy mondays twice at glastonbury and pompey. primal scream at the guildhall during their rocks off period
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