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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. I believe that the club is owned by Gao not Lander China. It was a personal purchase. Would not be surprised if the club is put up for sale in a few years, or even sooner if we retain our premiership status.
  2. http:// https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/000558.SZ/ Gao?
  3. I agree with you cabbage [emoji3055]
  4. This. Was hoping for a draw.
  5. Not a penalty.
  6. Best home performance since RK was in charge.
  7. Our fitness looks atrocious.
  8. Delmary

    Hughes OUT

    Les Reed has gone but the dithering continues. It seems to be a cultural thing at the club that can only come from the chair and the new ownership. It’s also crazy that we don’t have a CEO driving the day to day operational activity.
  9. Delmary

    Hughes OUT

  10. Delmary

    Hughes OUT

    If this is true, then RK has lost the plot. Nothing will change at this club until there is a mass clear out at executive level. The dithering leadership is pathetic.
  11. Delmary

    Hughes OUT

    Just go!
  12. Another cringe worthy interview from RK. [emoji30]. Meaningless noise.
  13. Kat sold us down the river. Lander Sports employs less than 300 staff and has a yearly turnover of £300M. Gao funded the purchase via a bank loan. Therefore, how the f@ck did the premier league allow the purchase to go ahead! Shortly after the Gao takeover, RK said that investment plans would be revealed within eight weeks. The investment plans never materialised. Not surprising when you consider the above. Remind me, what did Leon Crouch say about our new owner?
  14. A goal! Nevertheless, we’ve been tactically all wrong. Every time MC break they have 5-6 players matched up to our 4 defenders. Our midfield keeps being bypassed. Effectively we have four midfielders not marking anyone. Our defence needs to push up, to compress the space between midfield and defence.
  15. Cedric failed, yet again to track his man[emoji3525]
  16. Yes. Only a rumour.
  17. This clearly demonstrates RK’s failed strategy of having a bloated squad of average players. Quantity over quality! Interesting that he now refers to us as being a ‘small club’. Always thought this as a poor excuse for his recent mismanagement of SFC. The table clearly backs this up. He should be sacked by Gao Jisheng and replaced by a new competent ceo and chairman.
  18. Get Jardim in now. He’s a perfect match for Saints. http:// https://weaintgotnohistory.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2018/4/12/17214450/scouting-report-leonardo-jardim-the-man-who-doesnt-have-time-to-whine
  19. Armstrong is too light weight for CM. Another strange sub from Hughes.
  20. Hughes needs shooting for bringing on Armstrong.
  21. We look awful and unfit.
  22. http:// https://www.ft.com/content/fb11b9c0-93c8-11e8-b67b-b8205561c3fe
  23. Les & Ralph will need to wear their tin hates at the fans forum. There will be lots of angry fans.
  24. http:// https://youtu.be/koZj-OIXQFo Live stream
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