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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. The blame game:rolleyes:
  2. Brilliant second half performance. But we urgently need a goal scorer.
  3. To sell the club?
  4. How can I hate a person that I have never met before you buffoon;). He's just not right for the club at this point in our history. Just like when the conservatives got kicked out back in the 1990s. Public opinion had turned against them.
  5. An email I sent to Michael Wilde a few weeks ago. Dear Michael, It's been a difficult six months and without doubt the return of Rupert Lowe has cast a dark shadow over this once great club. I know you're hurting like the rest of us and you took the bold step to try and unite this club by joining forces with Rupert. However, it's clearly evident that the wounds are too deep and our club will never move forward until Rupert steps down and sells up. Therefore I urge you to encourage Rupert to do what is best for Southampton Football Club. He should be thanked from our hearts and always be remembered for delivering our wonderful stadium as well as restarting the youth conveyer belt. But he needs to be brave, do what is right for Southampton Football club and retire gracefully. Let's move forward as a modern football club, spending within its means, employing the best manager within our budget and build a team that balances youth with experience. Please deliver this football club back to the hearts of the people of Southampton. Yours sincerely
  6. Read the various Saints forums, listen to local radio phone ins and talk to fellow Saints fans at St.Marys. Not difficult to work out really. To pretend that Lowe will eventually unite the fans base is dream land stuff IMHO. He's got an impossible task and some fans will not forgive. I'm being a realist
  7. There are loads of options out there. For starters, the major share holders need to start working together and find a new leader to unite the club . Rupert Lowe needs to understand that his presence is counter productive. He needs to step back into the shadows.
  8. Please open your eyes, it not going to happen whilst Lowe is in charge. Don't live on false hope.
  9. 65. Lowe in team photo
  10. Please, stop being so Lowe obsessed;) You miss read my post. The club survived a 112 years without Mr Lowe and I'm sure it will survive another 112years without him. I just trying to make the point that there are plenty of capable people who could run SFC well. Don't forget Lowe will not be around for ever.
  11. Please look back in history, before 1997. The answer is there!
  12. Now you are talking rubbish. Yes when we resided at the Dell but that all changed when we moved to St.Marys. Our turnover at one point was not far behind Spurs! During our relegation season we vastly under performed. Lowe should signal his intent that he's looking to sell and move on.
  13. Lowe must be a very worried man.
  14. The Echo is just an extended mouth-piece of SFC. The Echo should learn from their local rivals The P*mpey News. They're not scared to stand up against PFC when required.
  15. A decent honest response that does not warrant further negativity. Thanks. PS Please can we have a boardroom that represents the interests of the club, supporters and local community? The current one does not.
  16. I wonder what Ted Bates would make of such events. I bet Ted never had to put up with an interfering chairman like Lowe, thank god.
  17. Yes. No doubt JP is not as resilient as Redknapp and therefore Lowe will have a greater say on first team matters this time round.
  18. Lowe should resign from his executive post, his influence throughout the club is too damaging. He should only be allowed a non-executive role, well away from the first team. Wake up Askham, Richards, Withers, Wilde, Jones & Co.
  19. More info on: http://www.upthesaints.com/
  20. http://www.clubfanzine.com/southampton/v2.forum.topic.bythread.php?id_t=80006&piece=topic80006&id_categ=37 Talksport Danny Kelly and Dave Bassett show 2045ish mon 10th Nov posted by patred 'Harry' Basset on Talksport tonight confirmed what most of us suspected. Rupert Lowe does interfere in team affairs. He was answering questions on relegation, in place of regular Stan Collymore. When one phone-in fan asked about Southamptons chance of avoiding further relegation here is some of his comments. Souhampton are very niave at the back, very exciting, very inexperienced. But watching them all the other managers must be rubbing their hands together to play them. Their manager seems to be niave as well, he hasn't come to terms with english football yet. To many youngsters all at the same time. I know their chairman Rupert Lowe claim its cost cutting, but having experienced some time there with Harry Redknapp. I know he was always wanting us to play the young players. Every week Harrys selection was picked over, every week Rupert Lowe insisted he included more youngsters, every week Harry resisted. Whilst Harry and I were in charge that was not a problem however annoying it was. Then Rupert got two of his buddies involved, one from a non league club, one from another sport. This was the end of Harry he walked as soon as an offer came in. I stayed for a while but could see how the wind was blowing. Several ex Saints managers warned me not apply for Harrys job, because Rupert had always interfered in their job on the same lines. In the end I was not offered the job, probably Rupert knew I would ignore his orders. ....... Pretty damning IMO http://www.clubfanzine.com/southampton/v2.forum.topic.bythread.php?id_t=80006&piece=re641487&id_categ=37 posted by Les Miserable on: 23:27 - 10/11/2008 i heard it too. Basset was quite unequivocal that even 3 yrs ago Lowe was telling Redknapp that he should pick the youngsters . This same plan was RL's 'vision' in our first season after relegation , when we still averaged around 24000 crowds and when we had 2 seasons of parachute money to come. Also bear in mind that when a few mths later HR had walked , Wotte has said that he was offered the job then before an 11th hour change of mind that gave it to Burley . all of which blows out of the water the spin for the last few months that the current experiment has been forced on the club purely by current finances . Its been the plan all along and dates back years not months. I'm sure quite a few regulars on here will dismiss Bassett , with countless promotions on his CV , as a dinosaur , 'old school etc ' and will argue against it but just ask yourselves this - there are probably around 50-60 league clubs who are also in financial difficulties - it isnt just SFC , not by a long way . why have virtually none of the others taken this path of total reliance on youth and a foreign coach ? you tell me
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