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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. It's time to eat humby pie and pick up the phone and speak to Leon, Mr Wilde.
  2. Cowards normally do nothing!
  3. Have to agree with you:(
  4. He will be gone by this weekend.
  5. Don't normally agree with you but today could be a first
  6. He'll be gone before Mon, Lowe will bottle it before the AGM.
  7. He's coward!
  8. I hope the Lowites final smell the coffee. Lowe should be kicked out of our club next Mon at the AGM. He's responsible for this unnecessary mess.
  9. But the plan is faltering already. If our best youngsters are sold in Jan, where does that leave the plan. In ruins I would say.
  10. I think he did a bit more than that to be fair. My point is that there are still many management options available that don't involve Rupert. Let's be honest Rupert hardly set the business world alight over the last two years. Rupert needs Saints more than Saints need Rupert. His CV is p*ss poor for someone who some claim to be our saviour. Remind me, how many top PLC/company directorships has he had or got?
  11. It's true and very sad.
  12. 'When Sir John Harvey-Jones took over in 1982, ICI was ailing and making huge losses, but in less than five years he turned it into a successful business, and in 1984 it became the first British company to post more than £1 billion in full-year pre-tax profits'. Next!
  13. I think that's because they were paid employees. Just like Rupert and Andrew before and now.
  14. I think you're doing Rupert a disservice with your statement. But IMHO you're wrong. There will always be capable and willing candidates out there. Southampton FC is a famous brand and would be a good catch for any up and coming football league CEO/MD.
  15. A question for season ticket holders ahead of the forthcoming AGM. Will you be renewing your season ticket(s)? a) Yes b) No b) Don't know. It's 'a' for me. I must be mad!
  16. St.Jason, It's the same weak argument that's being doing the rounds since May 08.
  17. Heard of the term disinvest to invest:rolleyes: Thought not!
  18. You don't have to be a shareholder/owner to be a footbal MD or CEO. There aren't many major shareholders/owners in CEO/MD roles in the Premiership. Most owners only occupy the non-executive chairman seat.
  19. Do you know how many current or ex football MDs or CEOs are out there? Let me tell you! There are hundreds of them. Some poor and some very good At the top of the tree, John Williams. He's a Saints fan. At the other end of the scale Paul Aldridge. That's too easy starters for you.
  20. Well I don't agree. There are plenty of capable and experienced CEOs within the football industry that could easily replace Rupert. The 'there are no real alternatives to Lowe argument' is a myth and does not wash with me.
  21. Go and post elsewhere if you're not happy.
  22. That's your view. IMHO he's our worst option.
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