Lowe started planning his return back in July 2007. Hence, all the negative stories that were leaked and published by his mate Charles Sales in the Mail. We Haven't heard much from the Mail recently. I wonder why?
Season tickets holders. If we are in League 1 next season, still under Lowe and Wilde's stewardship - will you renew?
Over the next few months many of the influential shareholders (Askham, Richards, Withers etc) will have to do alot of soul searching. Will they be willing to give up their directors box freebies for the wellbeing of SFC?
This is almost turning into a witch hunt. Please let's just wait and see what materialises over the next few days before making any negative comments.
If the team was top of the league I bet the reaction would be different;)
We're as good as down. Therefore, the club should be planning for Div 1 now. Our scouting network should be fully focused on picking up decent players on the cheap or free from the lower leagues, including non-league.
Souness was very much involved with this group. He had several meetings with them at the Hilton Hotel at Chilworth. Unfortunately, we ended up with Secure Retirement. Thanks Askham:(
Agree Ron. There's an idiot that sits several rows in front of me in the Kingsland South block 28 who is forever shouting abuse at DmcG. It's totally uncalled for.
Good post. They need to all sell up as they're all equally to blame for the mess we're in today. Despite this view I've got a lot of respect for Leon as a fellow fan. He's pumped thousands into this club via sponsorship & corporate. Same as the Draper family.
An English manager would help but let's be honest the squad is just not good enough by a long way. We would need to invest in 3-4 decent loan signings and that's going cost lots of money which Crouch doesn't have.
Quote from Michael Richards:
'I believe I hold my shares on trust for the supporters and the City of Southampton.
My shares are not for sale until they relieve me of that trust.
I make the decisions I feel are right for the club regardless of how popular that might be.'
Please show the supporters of SFC that you do care about the club.