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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. Mister Neil. Have you got your telescopic lens primed for today?
  2. Well done Sherlock;) I agree Skacel is a waste of money!
  3. He posted today. See post 150. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=11879&page=3
  4. Another gem from saintlee: http://plasticsaints.myfreeforum.org/Keegan_signs_for_Saints__about8591.html A brilliant read which most fans can relate to. Remember Patrick boots???
  5. Tom Scott & junior are far right on the back row. Nothing like the guy standing next to Askham.
  6. The team for me.
  7. Is that Tom Scott standing next to Guy Askham?????
  8. Speculation from Morph.
  9. I'll be there tomorrow doing my bit, helping the club through its hour of need. This is only the second time in the club's 124 years history that it has been on the brink of going bust. Therefore, not going is not an option for me. I want my future generations to experience the lows and highs of supporting my club, to bleed red and white. SOS
  10. Updated odds? 1. The Tchenguiz Brothers? They have the funds but the credit crunch has exposed them to hugh loses. Are they right for Saints? Who knows? - 3-1 2. Tom Scott - Has links to Askham & Richards? 4-1 3. Salz/Crouch - A rival bidder might just beat them to the final post. 5-1 4. Souness? Has yet to issue any denial - 10-1 5. Fulthrope/Merrington - Will Asturius finally be able to produce the funds? Unlikely? 25-1 6. Gavyn Davies - Has publically stated that he's not involved with any bid - 25-1 7. Heineken Lady? - Dutch Royal family as friends, is that what is know as 'Total fantasy'? 1000-1 8. Richard Branson - now putting money into Brawn GP - 50-1 9. Paul Allen - naturrally the only choice for SFC! 1000-1 10. Aliens from Mars - 150000-1 11. LifeLongSaint - 500000-1
  11. Where's that reverse gear?
  12. Depends on their motivation for buying the club. The reason we now see so many interested parties is because the club is available well below market price and also the awkward plc structure has been removed. Therefore, potentially the club is now a much better investment opportunity.
  13. ....
  14. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/?page_id=11638
  15. Agree. Been done to death:(
  16. It's the muched rumoured Jonathan Fulthorpe plan which IHMO is complete bull.
  17. Administration - Good or Bad? Bad. I pray and hope that there is a group or someone who's willing to financially rescue us and rebuild our wickened club.
  18. It's a bidding war.
  19. Next season I hope we get a decent manager with plenty of lower league experience. We need to hit the ground running whether it's CC or L1.
  20. True but there are a few fans (not aimed at any particular fan on this forum) who are living in denial and really have yet to grasp the seriousness of SFC's plight. Sadly they probably don't realise that SFC might not be here in a few months time. The world is suffering its worse financial crisis since the great 1930s depression and the frightening reality is that Saints might not pull through it. From my own personnal perspective if Saints die then a apart of me dies. Therefore, I'll do all within my power to help my club, eg attend matches, spend money in the mega store etc..
  21. Great post. Us fans have to stand by our club in its hour of need. Players, managers and directors come and go but fans stay. The poor results hurt but we must hang in there and keep attending matches. The club urgently needs our money through the turnstiles. I urge all Saints fans to get down to St.Marys for last two games of the season and support their club. SOS
  22. Fast-fading Saints long for the glory days when ginger wigs ruled over the bigwigs http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1169125/Fast-fading-Saints-long-glory-days-ginger-wigs-ruled-bigwigs.html?ITO=1490
  23. Because they are not the leading bid????
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