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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1243828/Do-men-control-Portsmouth-want-football-club-superstore.html
  2. Like helping Rupert with his autobiography?
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1251816/Pompey-owner-Sulaiman-Al-Fahim-court-short-avoids-arrest-warrants.html?ITO=1490
  4. They're PFC's mouthpiece nationally.
  5. Nice caravan:D
  6. Well the Guardian has been the mouth-piece for Pompey for most of this season. Therefore, it's got to be inside info. Plus they're are now blaming their auditors for the hugh mess. You could not make it up.:smt044
  7. Administration is more likely.
  8. http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/guidanceleaflets/guides.htm#3 Any small P*mp*y creditors out there?
  9. They can't go into voluntary administration.
  10. I don't hate them. Why should I? For much of my life Southampton and its football team have been top dogs on the south coast. They will never have the same large supporter base as us. Therefore, why should I hate or care about them? But I do enjoy the banter.
  11. You sicko. You need help:D
  12. Bless... The stress must be getting to him.
  13. Hope we charged cash up front for the CCTV video.
  14. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=742023&sec=england&cc=5739&cc=5739
  15. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/727573/PORTSMOUTH-fans-rest-easy-as-Peter-Storrie-had-this-to-say-when-asked-if-he-was-close-to-finding-a-new-buyer-quotItrsquos-interesting-We-had-a-phone-call-last-night-and-we-also-had-an-email-from-somebody-else-this-morningquot.html
  16. Nice person:rolleyes:
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A63204121 From 606 (What planet are they on?) posted 13 Hours Ago turkey - apt name! you have your feathers all ruffeld and wrong........ from a legal stand point, you have to be legally declared insolvent! which we have not. The frase used by the court spokeswoman was in effect wrong, ad i have been lead to beleive she has been warned of any future commments. PFC is trading in debt, a high percentge of football clubs are doing the same! Just because a business is in debt, does not mean you are insolvent. Insolvency is only granted by a court, when a company or person is no longer able to meet its liabilities, PFC has many liabilities, but they are being met. HMRC have decided that through a breakdown in comms and ability to "agree" with PFC the amount of tax owed, it was easier to let a judge decide. And to add to your last comment, we will NOT be wound up!..........jeeeez, how many more times? I guess you will also be one of many who jump for joy when news breaks about a take over? Shame you cant find the same support now! PUP
  18. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1963126,00.html Surely there's a spelling mistake within the news title:D
  19. Nope. It's the following weekend.
  20. Ooh, you are awful ... but I like you!
  21. Please god no!
  22. Welcome to the end game;-) It's a game of chicken. Who'll bottle it first!
  23. He's not on any richlist. A potless prince!
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A62425749 Stock??
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