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Everything posted by Delmary

  1. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://www.zjlander.com/news_detail.asp%3Fid%3D189&usg=ALkJrhhJqRJn-inlbsIZIkkOxrOHTy2eMw
  2. http://www.financetime.org/brief-lander-sports-scraps-plan-to-buy-stake-in-st-mary-s-football-group
  3. [/http://www.financetime.org/brief-lander-sports-scraps-plan-to-buy-stake-in-st-mary-s-football-group
  4. [http://www.financetime.org/brief-lander-sports-scraps-plan-to-buy-stake-in-st-mary-s-football-group/URL] Lander Sports scraps plans to buy stake in St.Mary's Football Group Ltd
  5. We did not press at all today. We made it far too easy for City.
  6. From twitter Why Chinese investors are currently stalled and unable to make further investments in Football Club's across Europe. https://next-video.ft.com/v2/34/47628783001/201702/2432/47628783001_5332311671001_5332288939001.mp4
  7. Long day, wrong result but can hold our heads high. Thank god we have a game next weekend.
  8. At The Metropolitian Bar, Baker Street. Heaving with Saints fans. Happy days.
  9. At The Metropolitian Bar, Baker Street. Heaving with Saints fans. Happy days[emoji123][emoji106][emoji41]
  10. Brilliant!
  11. The problem is we're falling faster. Before KO we were 2nd from bottom in the current form table ☹️
  12. Saints are second from bottom on the current form table☹️
  13. We have a weak CEO, so LR is not accountable for his actions.
  14. Perfect revenge for 30 years of hurt[emoji123][emoji106]
  15. Don't worry the Chinese will soon sack him.
  16. This
  17. Typical of Rom. Ball watching or jumping into challenges without thinking, especially in dangerous areas. If he could cut these parts out of his game he could be a world class player.
  18. You tease[emoji41]
  19. Lots of thinking to be done by Les
  20. The six week exclusivity period must be coming to an end soon.
  21. Delmary

    Puel out

    I agree. Negative football
  22. 29 years of hurt. It's payback time!
  23. Yippee[emoji2] When's the draw?
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