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About fromthedell

  • Birthday 18/01/1960

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  1. Who cares would clap him just the once but he is not a saint anymore rather use my energy getting behind our team He chose to leave thanks Rickie. Goodbye
  2. hi mlt i had forgotten i posted this can you still give me the guys no my email is geoffreybennett@ntlworld.com many thanks
  3. Thanks
  4. Does anyone know if the shuttle bus still runs from southampton rail station On match days
  5. fromthedell


    Hi I am after a jukebox Maybe 60s 70s Poss Rowe or Wurlitzer Willing to pay up to £1000
  6. The fun day was 26 October 1996 .?
  7. Why don't you try the saints pub not that far away from nursling and they show all saints games
  8. When I was living at home with my parents I lived a few doors away from my aunt and uncle And there son was Paul Bennett my cousin Which makes me a neighbour and a relative of a saints player Fact
  9. So have I have you a pic mine says Saints 1 utd 0
  10. Paul has been running that for ages
  11. saw him last week shopping in morrisons in totton with a oldish lady maybe his mum
  12. think it was used by roadsea fc
  13. well that is easier said than done when you are ****ed of at someone trying to **** you over just saying like
  14. how did you pay was it via paypal if so think there is a resolution thingy where you can claim your monet back
  15. have you got any pictures of thr car
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