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Everything posted by hackedoff

  1. Being patient in respect of waiting for the previous managers to improve things was the undoing of this club.
  2. Uninspiring bloke mooted as next manager. Negative,muted response from much of fan base. Delay in announcing causing concern and rumours that he might be snapped up by another club. Announcement takes place causing relief and delight from fan base.
  3. Let's try the same old shite that hasn't worked all season and see what happens. Southampton FC, the club that NEVER learns.
  4. Got serious doubts that the majority can cut it at Championship level either,struggled against all of the lower league teams they faced this season. Anything short of a major rebuild and I suspect further failure.
  5. Another game that follows the same old script, TIME AND BLOODY TIME AGAIN.
  6. Not likely to keep any of the half decent players so maybe incorporate some form of BOGOF arrangement to cushion the blow. Remember how in the shops for a few pence more the product you wanted sometimes came with a big useless piece of crap taped to it in order to make you feel like you are getting something special ? We just need to do the same. Want JWP ? Then you need to take Ely as well. Fancy Lavia ? Then ,i am afraid the goal scoring phenomenon that is Alan Armstrong comes as well. Need KWP ? Going to have to take a piece of deadwood as well,sorry.
  7. Forest survive. Not a good team in any shape or form but have a bit of pace and fight which is normally enough. Stark contrast to the weak bottlers that represented our club this season.
  8. Some teams have been very effective at smashing it up the field to get the results they require. Others good at playing it skilfully forward quickly . Some play the patient ,possession game to be effective. Southampton FC,this season have been useless at all three.
  9. If the club needs an enema,get shot of the lot of them.
  10. There was disappointment at last night's Eurovision song competition as the UK,s entry by Selles and his boys only amassed a pathetic 24 points with their song " Can't play,don't really care". A spokesman for the group said that they had tried their best.
  11. That kick up the arse will probably rule him out further as he's such a delicate soul.
  12. Got a great idea on how to celebrate relegation. Get the club to hire in a morbid,depressing brass band and get them to play a funeral dirge prior to kick off. Be something different.
  13. What really hurts me is they way this relegation suddenly crept up and claimed us. If there was some indication a while back,something could have been done to prevent it.
  14. He's nothing but a cork in the arse of progress. For God's sake SR,pull it out.
  15. Embarrassing joke of a club from top to bottom,yet nothing EVER gets done about it.
  16. It's like going down your local pub and getting an overpriced,flat , short measure pint, every time and just accepting it.
  17. Just the bare bone basics seem well beyond this lot.
  18. The board will no doubt persist with Selles until Christmas. When things are no better then they will spend the next couple of months weighing up their options and then appoint another cheap option.
  19. After all that I am struggling to see past yet another shot palmed out to the penalty spot,and the opposition getting to it first.
  20. What an absolute fucking farce of a football club.
  21. A 9000 attendance worked a treat in getting shot of him though.
  22. Sky obviously hoping for a turkey shoot,our accommodating club will probably oblige.
  23. Just vote with your feet,at the end of the day it,s the only thing these tards might understand.
  24. It's like watching a child continually put its hand in a flame hoping that on one occasion it won't hurt.
  25. You can imagine him sat in some dimly lit, inner city bedsit with just a keyboard and a fleshlight for company.
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