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Seany S

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Everything posted by Seany S

  1. I dont bother much with a DJ name, I just like turning up and playing music! The Sofa City one in Bitterne should be a laugh, not sure how much music I am actually going to be playing as only going on between the three bands, but the bands are certainly interesting. Flying Alexanders are a Southampton institution, a nice bunch of lads and always entertaining! I think on the poster for that one I am just down as DJ Sean Smith.
  2. Yes mate, I still do a bit here and there. I was due to be playing at the Talking Heads actually, on the 21st, but obviously that is no-go now, am doing the same gig but rearranged venue at the Bitterne Park instead on the 4th Feb, DJ-ing between some bands including the Flying Alexanders. I expect plenty of punk, new wave, ska and electro to be played that night. I also do Goblets every now and then on a Saturday where we mix up all kinds of punk, hip hop, alternative and whatnot, and have have a few sets at the Soul Cellar playing hip hop. Oh and sometimes I take private bookings where I don't get to play anything I want to play, but get paid more lol!
  3. Add Das Racist and the Weeknd to my list as well, loved both of those records. the Weeknd's new one is superb too!
  4. My choices Torae - For The Record - Proper NY hip hop with a selection of classic producers such as Primo, Large Pro, 9th Wonder, Diamond D. Real hip hop. Lushlife - No More Golden Days - The best hip hop mixtape of the year A$AP Rocky - LiveloveA$AP - stunning work from a hot young rapper with some dreamy beats from Clams Casino Frank Ocean - Nostalgia Ultra - Sublime R+B mixtape that takes in the Eagles and Coldplay (stay with me here!) but creates a wonderful whole, distancing Ocean from his peers in the oft-hit & miss OFWGKTA posse Josh T. Pearson - Last Of The Southern Gentlemen - ethereal, god-fearing country spiritual, utterly stunning Action Bronson & Statik Selectah - Well Done - The hottest straight up emcee in the game with his second amazing album of the year. His Ghostface-style flow and food gimmick are always a pleasure St Vincent - Strange Mercy - Expertly crafted leftfield pop with some stunning guitar work - live, this lady can shred like Prince. Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost - builds on the promise of their superb debut, this is even better, a stunning listen from start to finish Real Estate - Days - More catchy jangle-pop earworms, lovely stuff Cerebral Ballzy - s/t - stunning debut from US teen street punks, exhiliarating Aidan Moffat & Bill Wells - Everything's Getting Older - Amazing collaboration with more tales of drink, sex and heartbreak from Arab Strap leader True Widow - As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumfrence of The Earth - imagine Kyuss playing covers of Galaxie 500 and you are only half way there. Wu Lyf - Go Tell Fire To The Mountain - likeable debut from oddball Mancs who have crafted something truly fresh. The UK Arcade Fire?
  5. Cha Bum Kun mentioned in there - he may have a name that, in English, is dangerously close to offensive, but by jiggins he was a terrific player back in the day. Presume he is in management now? I know his son is a full international as well (Cha Du Ri).
  6. That one was before my time - Bally was at Vancouver the year I was born - 1979-80 season!!
  7. Crikey, yes of course it was, after he passed on. Bally played in the game, so did Mick Channon. Thanks for the correction mate. I think my dad was excited about seeing Ball again, which in my eight year old mind translated as it being a match for Alan Ball.
  8. Hi chaps. I have been going to watch Saints for donkeys years, and can clearly remember as a young lad, during the mid 80s, my old man took me to the Dell for a match I believe was some sort of testimonial or similar for our legendary midfielder (and future manager), Alan Ball. From what I remember it was contested between the current Saints side and a team of "legends", but am struggling to remember much more than this other than it pre-dated all seater stadia and it was a bit of a goal-fest. Can anyone shed some light on this, or can they remember it? Cheers, Sean
  9. Obviously that smiley face means eight years old, lol!
  10. Hi chaps - just a quick question. Will there be any concessions for younger kids on Saturday? Want to take my two kids (6 and but didnt know if they fall into the ten quid ticket category for undr 16s or not. Would appreciate it if someone could confirm. Cheers guys.
  11. Fonte drove past me this morning - on Paynes Road just past Clarence Hardware in Shirley. He was driving a sporty black thing - may have been a Maserati - and the license plate says F8NTE. Second time I have seen him when driving, I am approaching stalker-like levels here :/
  12. Gives us a nice chant at tomorrows game: "Are you Blatter in disguise? Aaaaare you Bla-tter in disguise?"
  13. My mate is the bassist in Skindred! Am listening to Parallax by Atlas Sound. Nice.
  14. You can read my Skyward Sword review at http://www.godisageek.com Needless to say it is utterly sublime, and I awarded it the maximum score. Sean
  15. The problem with Tebow is that despite being a fantastic athlete, a superb rusher (was averaging about 6 yards per play AS A QB ffs!!), and a tremendous physical specimen, he just doesn't seem to be effective as a full-time QB. I see him as being more suited to playing tight end, myself, taking on those short passes and running through defences.
  16. Heard a good example of this recently, Craig Johnston was interviewed by Keys and Gray on talkSPORT (shudder), was fascinating hearing him talk about how he dedicated himself to practising the game, because he knew that unless he did that, he wasn't good enough to make the team at Middlesbrough. He would practise for hours and hours on end every day, and waited until he was given his chance, which he took with both hands and of course went on to have some pretty good times in that great Liverpool side.
  17. Dude, he is still alive! One of the finest character actors. And Repo Man is an awesome film, with a spectacularly good soundtrack - Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag, Iggy Pop, Circle Jerks... Watched that Paranormal Activity 3 on Saturday. Was alright. Scared the bejesus out of my brother, but me and the missus were just mildly entertained. Our youngest is doing Where the Wild Things Are at school - so that gives me an excuse to sit down tonight with the kids and watch the movie. It is one of my favourite films of all time and I will have to use all my powers of manliness (thinking about Chuck Norris, exploding killer robots, ninjas on fire) not to cry at the end in front of the nippers.
  18. Being a Jets fan, I was pleased with last nights result, but was amazed at how easy the Bills made it in the end. They just seemed to roll over and die. Can't see past Green Bay for the Lombardi this season. 49ers are a flash in the pan, Patriots are stuttering. Was hopeful preseason about Jets but they are too inconsistent. Maybe even Giants could be in with a shout. But Rodgers and the Pack just seem too strong. I am going to make sure I have a couple of quid on the Lions taking the title NEXT year. They will get better and better. Will be interesting to see who ends up winning the "suck race" to land Andrew Luck in the draft. At the moment the Colts don't look like winning a game, so will be in pole position. But their team is in such disarray and was so heavily reliant on Manning that I fail to see what the talented yet inexperienced Luck would bring to their ailing franchise. We will see.
  19. Oh dear. I know Mike, known him for years, and Saints forum-y sentiments aside, he is a nice bloke that I have had many a pint with. And he does go to every game, as far as I know....proper Saints diehard through and through. But he needs to stop ringing up talkSPORT, and realise that *hey* - we haven't had it this bloody good for years..... for someone who has been going to games as long as he has, someone I bumped into at halftime during the dark, dark period that followed Burley's departure.....dude needs to start appreciating how lucky we are, yo! Seacrest out.
  20. Bless him.
  21. My favourite moment of the night was a sublime pass off the outside of Morgan's boot down to the right wing, was on about 56 minutes. I was sat there and the old boy sat behind me said exactly what I was thinking "F_** me, what a ball" Has irked me a bit this morning to hear Alan Brazil talking about the result as though it was merely a blip on West Ham's march to automatic promotion, saying that "teams like" us and Brighton will inevitably have a bad patch. Based upon last nights performance, the Irons have a lot of work to do to finish top two, particularly with so many other teams in the mix - hopefully us included. On the brighter side of the trashy sports radio I listened to before work, was nice to hear Darren Ferguson exclaim that we are the best team he has seen, and earmark us for promotion. Thanks, Darren
  22. Being a games journo I have been lucky enough to play most of the forthcoming big hitters for 3DS, and let me tell you there are some crackers on their way. I went to an event in London a couple of months ago and spent some time playing Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus Uprising, Metal Gear, Resident Evil Revelations & Luigi's Mansion. Kid Icarus is possibly the most intriguing of the lot, equal parts roaming 3D platformer and surprisingly hardcore 3D rail shooter/score attack stuff. Resident Evil looks incredible, and although it was an early build I saw, Luigi's Mansion looks like it shares the same oddball charm as the original. As it stands, however, the three best currently available games I have played for the console are all remakes or ports - Super Street Fighter IV, Ocarina Of Time and Starfox 64 3D, so may be worth holding back on a purchase until some of the aforementioned titles come along.
  23. I follow John Robb's music website Louder Than War. Robb is a Manc, and the site does a lot on the Manchester scene. They claim that the Roses have been rehearsing all summer, and that some journos know but have been told not to say anything. Having been present at Reading 96, I sincerely hope that if this is true, then it is the original line up, and that they have been rehearsing REALLY hard.
  24. Just been down to the ground to grab some tickets. Managed to get three in Block 14, the lad who served me said that there were less than 1000 tickets remaining. Is going to be a cracking atmosphere under the lights - can't wait!!!
  25. I have seen Jermaine Pennant score against us six times - two hat tricks in fact. Once for Arsenal reserves at St Marys and then for their first team when they put us to the sword at Highbury, I believe that was the Cup Final year? In that same game, Robert Pires, another perennial scorer against Saints also scored three times. Worst thing about it was, I was watching the game in the pub down the road from the Wedgewood Rooms in Pompey, as i was there prior to going to a Mark Lanegan gig. So I had a load of Skates guffawing as we got raped by the Arsenal. Bad times.
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