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Everything posted by PAULACZT

  1. I would be very careful saying such things mickn... do you work in IT by the way?
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but we appointed 3 'coaches' in total...Portvliet, Wotte and Gorre...what were they paid in total? We already had Hockaday (Stuperts golden boy for a while) and Henderson. He then proceeded to use the 'gardening leave' management tactic, which means we keep paying the staff who no longer work for the cause. Nick, your use of the word 'masterstroke' in relation to the ideas of one Stupert Lowe, maybe the only time anybody gets to see it connected to him in footballing terms!!
  3. Why dont we all ask Stupert Lowe what to do at the Forest game this weekend? He will have ALL the answers I am sure...he might even make a donation to SOS?! Forest have provided him with a directors box seat so he can view all he has created...should be fun for us all to see him there before, during and after the game...
  4. Here's the best one.....Stupert Lowe will be at the Forest match! He actually asked Forest for the ticket! Possibly too embarrassed to ask SFC! I am sure we can all give him a rousing reception...he will probably be sat by his mate Mr Richards or even on the Forest side of the directors box! maybe someone should push a bucket under his nose and ask for a donation??
  5. and why would that be... askham 1 and askham 2!!
  6. i gave 999.99...what if he had done the same? Is it important to be on the 'list'??
  7. NC you are so past tense its cringingly awful...Stupert has never put a penny into the club and never will..so why question Crouch and his investment in this football club..Crouch has just put another 50k in on top of what he has lost in his shareholding. Your question is so out of touch with what is currently going on its a bit like asking why is Stupert not on the TV and radio this week? Thats because he has been forgotten by EVERYONE outside of his little un-important circle, of which you are an impotent satellite...adios NC..you are no longer required!
  8. 70 ish games since 2002 = Legend ??
  9. NC...the last two matches were AFTER the 'holding company' went into admin (where have you been?)...so no excuse not to attend the games...even Guy the gutless turned up!! The night is only organised to raise money for the football club and is a chance for people to GIVE to help keep the club they love going...something that Rupert has never personally done...Crouch has just put another 50k of his own money in...why shouldnt Rupert do that also? ike your mentor Lowe you have a very selective memory and avoid the big questions, and it is strange that you keep harping back to the management of our club in the 70's and 80's...are you saying it was so much easier then? And just in case you missed the point of a football club, whether then or now...you are in the business to win football matches and ALL else follows on from that....maybe thats why Leeds, Luton and ourselves never went into admin in those days...because they were actually MANAGED better from top to bottom and WON football matches!! See its simple really isnt it....or are you saying that it is much more difficult to run a football business when it generates more money? If so, that is a strange opinion to hold....or is it just the abject failure of Lowe to MANAGE over his 12 year tenure that has lead to the clubs demise? Kind regards and see you Thursday? I doubt it!!
  10. NC. Why has Rupert decided not to go to the last two games and last night chose to continue his media circus ('its not my fault but everyone elses' roadshow), rather than attending the match? How much of his personal money will he be donating to help the club in its hour of need? Answers to these questions would be interesting for all of us to hear...and why does he not offer to sit on the panel with LM and MLT...I am sure they would be very pleased to have him there, and by doing so for FREE like the others would be helping the club! My guess is he would rather not be there..what do you think?
  11. With respect AP...he has taken millions out of this club and now should have the decency to say a simple 'sorry' to the supporters and shareholders...along the lines of...I tried my best but I have failed and I apologise for stearing the club into this situation, and as Chairman/CEO/Director of football/Chief Scout (delete as needed) I apologise un-reservedly to the shareholders and magnificent supporters of this great football club. Now thats not much to ask for dont you think AP?
  12. I agree and the silence is deafening from Stupert....at least Wilde has made a statement (however useless that was). Sky said it all when the reporter at SMS said Stupert was seen leaving from a back door very quickly...probably collected by Guy the gutless or one of the other lowe lifes. THE LOWE LEGACY: 10 years = relegation from Premier league...10 months = administration/possible relegation/laughing stock Stupert now retreats from public life (who actually knew anything of him before he was introduced to football by Guy Gutless?) and goes back to what he is good at....erm.....answers on a postage stamp to that one please. Or has he put himself on gardening leave? Stupert R.I.P
  13. UM, Lowe and Wilde have gone, administrator as from tomorrow, Jones only involved now to face the music and others left to mop up the s**t created and left by Stupert and his supporters. Pre Stupert Lowe...27 years of top division football...Post Stupert Lowe.....administration and third division football. Now I dont think ANYONE would want that on their CV!!! Stupert begged Fulthorpe (incredible I know!) last week to invest, Fulthorpe like a broken record said "funds are not in place"! Stupert heard to say he was sick of Southampton and its football club and wanted out as soon as possible (from a very good source!). The one man above all who MUST be squirming tonight will be GUY ASKHAM...the faceless, gutless accountant who by his actions way back has doomed this club to become a laughing stock nationwide...can you imagine the Pompey fans now! Tell me which out of Stupert, Wilde and Askham will be at the stadium this weekend??!! Scandalous...but really really sad!
  14. Tell me Frank, when exactly did LM sell his shares??
  15. So Wotte says 'when i was reserve coach/assistant manager/academy promoting person," the young boysh did really well and will learn from their mistakesh" to... I am Head coach/Stuperts fag...."I am the main man, this is not good enough and will not be tolerated by Stupert or myself ".(quote from Dean Gorfull..'we will learn more from this drubbing by Brighton'!!) The 'revolutionary coaching set-up' after 10 months produces such results....wow....why doesnt every club engage it? Answers on a postage stamp before we get relegated please.....Mr Chocolate...you have had had since June...training all together in a ' revolutionary way', morning, noon and night...with a coaching team that rotates (although a couple are rotating around their potted plants,borders and lawns:rolleyes:) and now you criticise the players you have had under your wing Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind!!! You can distance yourself as much as you want from the person you joined the club with in June 2008, but you are culpable just as much as he (and where is he now...did Stupert help him with the fine at Helmond, did JP get a pay off to include the fine, is he on gardening leave?) when you waltzed around the pre-season friendlies at JP's shoulder, then backed off quicker than an Italian tank at war when the results went pear shaped. I am sure that you think you are actually doing well but unfortunately this is a results business and the sad truth is that you and your mentor/route to a salary have very poor credentials. Wrap your scarf loosely now cos it will be a lot tighter by the first week in May. Welcome to the big league.(or is that Holland Div 2 or Egypt?)
  16. I am led to believe that 'dames' are 'ladies'....'houdt bewegen bij' is 'keeps moving' and 'zaken' is affairs'....dont know much more than that.....she would not expand on the paragraph!!
  17. Picked this up about Mr Chocolate from a Dutch fanzine website and called my friend in Rotterdam, she said it was quite well known but would not give me the full translation....can anyone help? Martini? 'Wotte verhuurt altijd zichzelf beneden in omdat hij van de dames houdt gewoonlijk binnen de club daarom hij houdt bewegen bij drie zaken in feyenoord bij'. I may have not got the spelling perfect....but she laughed out loud when I tried to say it and said it was a 'common' story about our manager!! Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Ted Bates and Lawrie McMenemy.....for making it look SO easy! Oh, and then Askham and Lowe for destroying all they achieved..... forget Wilde and the rest...the REAL culprits are the faceless, gutless accountant Askham and the man who lives in his own little bubble.....Mr Stupert Lowe. The fact that these two imposters STILL actually think they have taken this club forward,and have all the answers, is not just laughable it is scandalous!! The sad truth is that Mandaric and Pearson will pass us on the way down!! At least Mandaric has learned from his many mistakes and has actually appointed well, whereas Stupert ???!!!
  19. Nick you have given me a real laugh tonight, but before I pop off to slumberland lets sum up your in depth analysis of our beloved saviour Rupert Lowe.... He is: A protector of young players in the academy A loyal chairman to his staff. Decisive in replacing the aforementioned staff, that he has appointed, 'when things are looking bad' Sometimes 'cant get someone ready, when its all public' Sometimes makes brave/reckless decisions. Gets left in the lurch a lot. 'Installs' reserve coaches. Has unlucky periods. Leaves it too late to replace people. Has lots of 'walk-outs' 'Decides he wishes to use his own appointment' a lot. Nudges managers. To be fair...sounds like just the man we need!
  20. Just thought I would highlight some of the most unfortunately ironic prose ever on this forum....my word nick, did you actually read this through before posting??
  21. I simply state the facts....and you have confirmed them but dressed them up as...walk outs, 'we couldnt get someone ready, and it was all public'(what does that mean?!), loyalty, RL being decisive! (cracker that one!), pressure, left again in the lurch, glowing reports from the playing staff, a fantastic equaliser, an injury, 2 howlers, an exciting appointment, an outburst, 'RL decides he wishes to use his own appointment' (another corker!), severe financial restraint that 'for long periods nearly worked'!! (what is our league position, and explain 'nearly worked'!),and a nudge! When you say it is not as simple as I make out you are not lying are you....lol Nick...facts are facts...the league table never lies...the buck stops at the top man..but I admire your valiant effort to make it less simple than it really is!!
  22. strange that you just dont understand the basics of operating as a professional football club...the Chairman/CEO/Director of Football/Farmer/Buck stops with me person appoints the manager...the club tries to win football matches...the more the club wins the more success it reaps....the more matches it wins it gains more supporters and fills the stadium...the more supporters that attend gives the club more revenue...the chairman then presides over a successful club and everybody basks in the warm glow of 'total' football......however....if you try 11 managers in as many years....19 canteen you know the rest! The most amazing thing is he and Guy Askham still actually believe they know how to run a 'successful' football club...oops did I mention our Mr Burns in the background? He must be so very proud of the success they have both made of our Saints...or maybe not!
  23. all of my previous post was football related but you choose to ignore.....forget Crouch....Askham giving Lowe control all those years ago was like giving a very healthy patient a doctor called Crippen, 19 justify what the mans footballing decisions have done to this football club...count the years then count the managers, simple equation which equals failure in anyones language. In 41 years this club had 6 managers and 3 chairmen...on Ruperts watch count them! Please try and justify his total failure in charge of our club...cue stadium,catering etc., but do a bit of homework and find out his win percentage whilst in charge as opposed to the previous gentlemen in charge...I think it will open your eyes and maybe your mind to what being the chairman/CEO/Director of Football is all about in a professional football club....come on extend my mind a little.
  24. Simple points sometimes put things in perspective...lets forget the rhetoric and taking of sides...can we consider the following...41 years..3 chairmen..6 managers (Reader,Woodford,Askham and Bates,McMenemy,Nicholl,Branfoot,Ball,Merrington....27 years in top division) and Rupert..11 years...1 Chairman/CEO/Director of Football/Farmer...11 managers (Souness,Jones,Hoddle,Gray,Strachan,Sturrock,Wigley,Redknapp,Pearson,Poortvliet,Wotte...oh and relegation from top division!!) Very sad but very true. You can try and dress it up in any way you wish but lets be fair....unbelievable!!
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