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About Chapello

  • Birthday 26/07/1954

Chapello's Achievements

  1. Dropkick Murphys: Warrior's Code
  2. REM: Rose Bowl Jimmy Cliff: Bmth Opera House Kings of Leon: Bmth BIC
  3. Chapello

    The Specials

    What about Jerry Dammers? According to the Independent last weekend he isn't rejoining the band for the tour, and wasn't asked to, which seems a bit odd given that he is the main man!
  4. An obvious one, I know: Kings of Leon latest. Good album. Can't wait to see them in Bmth in Dec. It's just typical that the Levellers are at the Guildhall the same night!
  5. I've just finished Imperium by Robert Harris: a really good book, and better than Pompeii.
  6. Matchstick Men and Matchstick Cats and Dogs by Brian and Michael: utter, utter, utter, utter shi*e Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep by Middle of the Road Mouldy Old Dough by Lieutenant Pigeon Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney ANYTHING by Abba
  7. The Whaleboat House by Mark Mills. Very good. I read The Savage Garden (same author) a few months ago - one of the best books I've ever read!
  8. Editors very good. Didn't enjoy the Guillemots. REM brilliant. The tracks from the latest album stood up well alongside many of the classics. Sound, lighting etc faultless. A superb spectacle! We were also impressed with the transport arrangements, having never been to the Rose Bowl before. £10 total park and ride for 5 of us, and we were home 40 miles away by 12.30. Coincidentally, our bus driver was an ex-neighbour of ours from Blandford!
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