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Everything posted by saint77

  1. is that the leaky plumber from jayhard/hardings
  2. weston has it anything to do with green
  3. would this be green money
  4. 21st may is the next pay day for staff and players so if its not complete by then the s#it will start hitting the fan
  5. matt is quite inteligent he would only get involved if 1 he new the right amount of finance was available 2 he trusted the 2 guys involved be positive
  6. t#at
  7. just said on sky sports there has been 2 confirmed offers for club
  8. why dont you lot wait and see we might be pleasantly surprised
  9. nothing happened hanbags at swinging thats all you lot on here make things up you havent got anything else to do you sad lot
  10. it hits home when you realise we could only be one league from salisbury and poss eastleigh next season
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