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Everything posted by spencersaurus

  1. I'm after 2x tickets (together) for the Liverpool game if anyone has a couple spare?! Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi Guys! After 4 tickets in total for the Swansea game if anyone can help me out? Even if you have 1 spare I'll take it off your hands! Please email me on kellymauger123@hotmail.com or tweet me @KellyMauger Thanks!
  3. Hi guys! I am after 6 tickets in total for this game if anyone could help me out please?!.. Email me kellymauger123@hotmail.com or tweet me @KellyMauger Thanks!!
  4. After a couple of tickets for this game if anyone can help out.. spencershell@hotmail.com Cheers in advance!
  5. Can anyone help me out with a couple of tickets that may be going spare?....
  6. After ONE ticket if anyone can help me out...
  7. If anyone can't make this one tomorrow and ends up with a spare pair of tickets, let me know on kellymauger123@hotmail.com TIA
  8. I'll have it if that's ok mate?!
  9. Anyone with spare tickets to this one?! Cheers!
  10. ^^ would pay extra aswell!
  11. If anyone has a couple of spare tickets could you email me at spencershell@hotmail.com or send me a txt on 07921381510 Cheers!!
  12. How many do you have mate?! I'm after 2!
  13. Alrite Mate, do you still have any spare tickets going?! I'm after 2 if you still have any. Mail me on spencershell@hotmail.com or kellymauger123@hotmail.com. Cheers.
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