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dingbattigger's Achievements

  1. Just be very careful who you ask or you may get dropped in it
  2. Working tomorrow. Trousers can we rely on you please?
  3. No travel to the Job Centre is not refunded. My mate was told there is an element of travel in the pittance he received, how right that is I don't know
  4. Guns do not kill, it is the person holding the gun that kills. If guns were not available many would find and use something else
  5. If the club really want him out would it not be better to showcase him at least in these early cup matches? Or would that run the risk of him actually playing well?
  6. This, as it stands, for whatever reason, he is not right for our team
  7. Not what you all want to hear but I'm still waiting to be convinced......
  8. + 1 lol
  9. would appreciate it if anyone could give me their customer number if not going. Need another adult ticket due to visitors
  10. Anyone know the ticket office phone number please? Got a problem with the online system and can't get my daughters ticket for Norwich. Thanks
  11. http://www.thefa.com/ works for me with chrome
  12. All depends on what type of snake you have alpine. Mrs D has a snake here...........
  13. Took the missus to a home game and an away game.........she was bored rigid. Now if we are going anywhere after a match she comes and sits in the car with a book to read rather than attend the match
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