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Everything posted by Chopper71

  1. Sorry, this is out of order and I don't think it's right to lower ourselves to the nasty levels of the few of the blue few. I'm sure Markus would not want us using his name in the way, God rest his soul. Mods, can you delete?
  2. *MOD Edit* Anyone else think Pamplemousse might be a Skate trying to stir things up? Rise above it everyone, the moral high ground is a good place to be.
  3. I sent a similar one on Saturday and one about a week before. No reply to either yet and I'm starting to think they are burying their heads in the sand!
  4. Norris sent off! Appears the refs want justice!
  5. "and we're members of the PFA who have a track record of paying their members salaries when clubs don't cough up"
  6. Email sent to the FL. Expecting the usual fob off but hey-ho! Sir, I have just read that the PL is to release funds early to Portsmouth Football Club, and whilst I do not wish to see any club fold this decision (if true) does not sit well with me, and clearly gives PFC an unfair advantage over other clubs. I am also very concerned that all this approach will do is to delay further non payment of monies due. If they are unable to pay their staff (lets not forget it is not all about players) now, then it is clear they are not generating sufficient funds to meet their ongoing commitments, not least the CVA of which a significant sum will be due to HMRC and is a pitiful 20% of money they should have paid up front from their last period prior to administration. As a tax payer I will be disgusted further if this money is not forthcoming. I appreciate that the populist media continue to portray that the circumstances the club found themselves in is not of there own making. This is simply incorrect. Some simple googling at the time of the takeover revealed that CSI were not as clean as they presented themselves, and this situation was forecasted by many. It is inconceivable that David Lampitt, who has been at the club prior to the CSI ownership, should not have been aware of the true circumstances. Indeed, last season he employed a policy of 'quality over quantity' and signed players on contracts that simply were not justifiable for a Championship club. Given that they have employed players that they could not afford, and that they are now being bailed out by the PL I am left in no doubt that they have secured an unfair advantage over other clubs, and have therefore scored more points this season than they should have done. It is therefore only right that as soon as this advance is made that PFC accept that this is unfair on other clubs and accept a significant points deduction. This should be on top of a 10 point deduction that should be applied for an insolvency event. I look forward to a constructive response. If your view is that you need to continue to review all the facts before deciding on a points deduction, then this will not sit well with fans of other clubs up and down the country and it is time that the authorities stood up to insolvent 'cheating'. The facts are already clear to casual observers, and an advance of funds should come with strings attached.
  7. Or more worryingly, at least one of them thinks them not quilty....
  8. Don't think that's quite right as they keep telling us CVA is funded by parachute money, so surely they would have put that money safely aside to pay the CVA? Sorry, forgot this is poopey so stupid question
  9. According to Ho, they are now a better proposition than when CSI cam riding into town. What a load of tosh! When CSI took over, they were already out of administation, had agreed a CVA and had got rid of a lot of the higher earners (Nugent, Brown etc). Since they've taken over it appears they have saddled the cesspit with yet more high earners that they have to pay for in instalments, failed to pay Chinny any money so the interest is racking up, and lent the company a further £10.8m that needs to be paid back. Given this, clearly they are a less attractive proposition (the only positive I'll give them is they managed to shift off SC, and might get lucky with his replacement). Now if the best they could attract when they were a better proposition than they are now was CSI, can anyone see any reason why anybody better is around the corner? I can't.
  10. Question - I didn't think Spyker was part of CSI, and was rather part of one of Antonov's other companies? If that is true, then that just leaves image rights of WRC (CSI don't own the whole WRC of course).
  11. Appleton has now caught the Portsea Island disease....'We’ve got the best fans in the country and I am sure they will show that again tomorrow against Coventry.'
  12. Today's classic comment in the News from one of their many simpletons: 'another win Saturday would give us the best home form in the cc'. Now I don't know all the details about every team in the league, but I don't think it's possible to be any better than the team that has won 10 out of 10!
  13. Has anyone written to the FL yet? They are usually pretty quick to confirm points penalties. We at least want to know when they are meeting....
  14. It appears that the page has died as the link isn't working - does that mean they are no longer Pompey?!
  15. No, but it should be renamed 'Pompey gradual obliteration saga'
  16. it doesn't work on mine - I just get an ad for 30 secs
  17. From the BBC: And leading football finance expert Guy Thomas says the news could have a negative effect at Fratton Park until the situation is resolved. "On the face of it, this is not directly bad news for Pompey or even its immediate owner CSI," Thomas of SA Law LLP, told BBC Sport. "But whilst any uncertainty hangs over the future of this Lithuanian Bank - and by implication Antonov - then it will hardly be an atmosphere in which Antonov will be keen to either focus on the club or push through any plans - via CSI - to improve the club's future outlook."
  18. I was checking newsnow for the lastest LOL on Pompey, and was amazed to see a headline about a Bumper Crowd: http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/local/east-hampshire/bumper_turnout_as_christmas_officially_comes_to_portsmouth_1_3261740 Turns out the switching on of the Christmas Lights is more appealing than attending games at Nottarf!
  19. The snooze seems to think that the bank is still solvent. Maybe they've been sniffing solvents....
  20. Here's to the next 880 pages!
  21. Will there be an update this afternoon that let's us know how he gets on?
  22. Cherwell Valley Services are on a junction, and therefore the one service area services both carriageways. HTH
  23. informal deal that would see them pay 50 per cent of the tax that could be chargeable to avoid every deal being scrutinised. And in Poopeys case no doubt that will be 20% of the 50% paid over 5 years or until they renogtiate following their next admin
  24. I don't care about whether it's 'just' or not, as long as it's guilty!
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