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Everything posted by Chopper71
I see agent Connolly is still in their squad list. Has he played any football this year is he on the injured table hoping to get paid .04% of his salary?
The sceptic isle would be a much better place if more people pulled out down there...
There is no excuse for laziness. But if you find one, let me know.
The beggin bowl is out again - you can invest up to £100k now http://www.portsmouthfc.co.uk/news/article/new-pst-share-prospectus-1593086.aspx
"It's all fully funded, and we're ahead of schedule", and then "please can we have some more": http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/trust-share-push-continues-at-open-day-1-6076779 Somehow the maths don't add up......
David James bankrupt. He never could save anything! (except at St Mary's in that bloomin cup final they stole their way to)
I wonder if he had to show in his petition any money he is owed.......surely PFC couldn't make a former player bankrupt?
Fear not, it's still the same where it's purely a donation - and now here is the plea to up your donation: http://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/portsmouth/news/35077/ I note it's to help with the running of the club - which of course has a sound business plan and all bases are covered financially. Oh......
and so the 'largest fan owned club in the history of the world' is now majortity owned by a handful of people: http://www.chichester.co.uk/sport/pompey-latest/presidents-doing-it-for-love-not-profit-1-6060083 I wonder how long it will take for the media to catch up?
Blimey, they've made a movie about this thread...rallyboy is a star! http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3186020352/tt1821658?ref_=tt_ov_i
That's a bit advanced for them, I'd suggest that they start with something more straight-forward like 'let's only spend what we can afford'
As if by magic, more money appears! http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/mcinnes-budget-boost-1-6003297 Need to sell some season tickets by any chance?
Maybe the FL have learnt a few lessons - I know the phew blame them for letting the shady characters in, but I bet they would do the same again given whats likely to happen to Dirty Leeds.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26717044
yikes - Porky Penny on the front cover.....
Northampton goal! 1point and 1place from the drop zone!
Goal for Exeter!
Chris asked the kid who Pompey were playing and the poor kid had clearly never heard of Burton Albion as he made up some completely random name that may have contained some of the right letters. Couldn't make my mind up whether it was an intellect (Portsea Island) issue, or just a measure of how far they have fallen that even their own fans do not know the names of their own competitors.
At the time? Now I don't think much of West Ham, but to imply that Poopey were ever a better club is disgraceful. I'd go as far to say at the time a move from Wimbledon to your lot would be leaving the better club!
The only cost I can think of is the cost of a stamp, envelope and letter to say thanks for your donation you mug - plus maybe the cost of getting TCWTB to lick the envelope / use his BO to seal it to create the feeling of the special poopey family.
Pompey could do a deal with this chap - 'give us £100k and we'll throw the game', although if he is sensible he'd keep the lot. They could shift a lot of fat with that sort of money http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2572087/Coral-customer-set-win-830-000-Football-Jackpot-League-Two-leaders-Chesterfield-beat-Portsmouth-Proact-Stadium.html
Torquay equalise!
their superior goal difference is worth a point. oh.......
Is Micah out of work again then?
Meanwhile a club genuinely owned by their fans is agreeing to sell, but the fans will continue to own the ground. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26186275 Interesting that these guys have 'dramatically improved the finances' and I suspect have done that without 1 mile sponsored bike rides, raiding kids piggy banks etc. Wish the BBC would stop calling the blue phew fan owned though - they can claim that if they ever manage to have assets in excess of their debts (i.e. never!)
I notice the Snooze has still not published any story about planning permission being applied for - are they infighting there now with #factless wanting to declare it a victory for Pompey, and then proper journalists wanting to stick up for the majority of residents and businesses that don't want it?