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Everything posted by Chopper71

  1. Go online and find out the best BT deal, then phone up Sky to cancel because BT's deal is brilliant - be prepared to go almost as far as actually cancelling and they will offer you big discounts if you stay...
  2. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-sign-enda-stevens-1-6798217 Thought they signed the lady in the mobility scooter until I re-read his first name...
  3. If he has to do it in his tenure, does that mean by November? Tough ask...!
  4. I wonder what the money raised will really be spent on? http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/sports-mail-donations-boost-pompey-academy-1-6727578 Love the reference to their lowest ever Football League finish - let's hope they beat that record next year. Afterall I can't remember any time since our takeover that they managed to improve their finish and long may thay continue...
  5. £300m/game I think
  6. Eastleigh 2-0 up!
  7. Just checked the Conference table - Eastleigh 1 point shy of the play offs, but with a game in hand (tomorrow night). Fingers crossed for a derby next year...
  8. That's about as long as they give every other manager...
  9. Didn't Richie Barker get Craley out of league 2? Maybe Waddock is as good as him...
  10. 'I think'? That is the biggest get out of jail free card ever, especially as most on that isle are incapable of such a thing. In other words, I really hope so but don't know.
  11. How long before the fishy lot start saying they want to sell their 'shares' to Milan Mandaric now that he has flogged Wednesday?
  12. Is this not basically the same (with different managers' names) that was said last year, and the year before that?
  13. Time to get voting everyone - of course they were right to keep Andy Awful... http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/fans-poll-were-pompey-right-to-keep-faith-with-andy-awford-1-6544680
  14. I want Connolly to score the goal the delivers the relegation to the conference that they deserve.
  15. Does he man the ticket office himself?
  16. There is no guarantee they've paid for it of course...
  17. no. happy to help.
  18. Or have a property development businesses
  19. It goes to show how dumb the PFA / pro footballers are - 'you must take a reduced amount otherwise we'll go out of business (ignore the parachute payments - there ring-fenced for something else)' ok then 'you know that reduced amount we owe you, well actually we can't afford that and we'll go out of business so you must take a further reduced amount (ignore the parachute payments...)' ok then 'you know the reduced amount of the reduced amount we owe you, well actually we're doing better than we thought so we'd like you to take a reduced amount again so that you can rejoice that Pompey has repaid everyone in full and are fine example of how to run a football club' ok then Alternatively, they just want to forget they ever had anything to do with that lot, or maybe got paid in property developer shares...
  20. I was there - back in the days of the tautest nets ever. He smashed it from about 6 yards out in the middle of the goal, it hit the back of the net and bounced out and goal not given. Unbelievable Jeff...
  21. Big companies = bad - such a simplistic view! Whilst recognising that some companies take the mick, what do you think companies do with profit, what impact do you think that has on governement income, etc? I could go on, but I know you will have a different view to me and I'm too tight to pay my fiver so this is my last post and I am out - I'll agree to disagree (as we are all entitled to our views and to express them thanks to those who made sacrifices before us)
  22. As Old Nick has said, the fact that the richest benefit from tax cuts is not rocket science. As for your 2nd point, it is true, but without context can be very misleading - it's a lot lower than it would have been under labour because the government has reduced spending (which Balls was advocating increasing) and we've seen unemployment fall (meaning more tax revenue and less benefits).
  23. You missed the bit where he said something like 'you don't lift somebody up by pulling others down'? I think he was clear that if you work hard (ergo improve your prospects & earn more money) you should see the fruits of your labour.
  24. Which is it, "debt free" or "paid all legacy debts"? If it's the latter, that means they may have incurred debt elsewhere that will need to be paid, and I expect that the CVA is not a legacy debt? If it looks like fish, smells like fish, it's probably from Portsea...
  25. Dirt track in Horton Heath?
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