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Everything posted by Bollards

  1. Agreed. I was in block 40 and didn't hear and also really can't imagine I ever would...
  2. Player could start his run from an offside position but receive the ball in his own half. Possibly....
  3. Agreed it's a legendary place and I shall go again soon when I can. However they don't help themselves. I was there a few months back for the equally legendary Jimbob from Carter USM along with a good few others and they didn't have any draught beer of any type!
  4. Millwall away for me. My 11 year old son's first away game. Not one he's going to forget!
  5. My apologies, it's been a long, hot day which had a particular highlight of a student collapsing and needing CPR (fortunately for everyone concerned, with me stood watching). Even more fortuntely she appears to be OK. In my long relaxing holidays I'm sure I can find the time to be more controversial!
  6. I don't post often as you can tell, however... I'm having a look on here in a quick break before I go to a Drama evening, supporting my schools students, and will be home at 8.30-9 after getting at 7.30 this morning. I don't brag about how hard I work, (I know others who work longer, both teachers and not) nor do I glory in how great the holidays are. To echo the previous poster, good holidays are part of the job. If you want me to work an extra 3, 4 , 5 (or whatever) weeks a year then 'll want paying for them, but my biggest concern about this approach is that there is enough of a problem recruiting decent teachers now. (Another part of my job as an Assistant Head.) If the perk of decent holidays goes, I think we'll be creating an even bigger problem to be honest. As I've said many times before, if the holidays are so great why are there not more applicants when I advertise a maths post?? I think I know the reasons for that one. And it's not just that, like the poster above, having graduated 17 years ago, everyone I know from my Maths degree earns consideriably more than me. (And I'm not complaining about my own salary.)
  7. I don't normally post anything on this forum.
  8. Good evening. I watched you lot snipe at each other for a few years now. I've no idea who any of you are. (This first name terms stuff un-nerves me.) But if this is the time to have a Saints related love-in and look to the future then count me in. Right, more lager is now needed I think....
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