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  1. Fair comment. I think I'll go the whole hog and bail out of here permanently. Life is too precious to waste on halfwits like you.
  2. No you weren't. My post had nothing whatsoever to do with independence.
  3. Stop posting soggy, you just make a fool of yourself every time you post on here. Go and hide in that other place where your friends are.
  4. He said incontrovertible.
  5. You do understand that there is no such thing as incontrovertible evidence about something that might happen in the future. Does that mean there are no valid opinions about Brexit?
  6. I've always associated Pompey with number two.
  7. What do we expect? We have a whole generation that have spent their whole lives being told that it is their birthright to go to University and get a degree in uselessology.
  8. Generally overstated? That's not a term we find used very often on this thread.
  9. Because legalising discrimination at Westminster was such a good idea.
  10. Who could forget those halcyon days when soggy, alone and in vain, tried to convince us that the Scots had voted against devolution in a referendum? No horse is dead enough to evade the soggy whip.
  11. I know, but not a lot of people read the forum these days so well probably get away with it
  12. He was a slam dunk, right up until the final hurdle where they applied the brand new SWF screening test to classify good managers, following which people suddenly realised that he is absolutely hopeless.
  13. Welcome to the world of topical statistics.
  14. hutch

    Pellegrino OUT

    There's no doubt Poch is one of the best managers around today. But he is cutting it a bit fine on the old trophy front. He's only got, what, 25 years left?
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