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Everything posted by leftback
jose is off,going to Barcelona!!! relax on a break with the Mrs, hope this gives martin a chance again, expect bit of loan outgoings after the weekend, depends if nicolina will help out the lower league (how much lower can it be!!) club with the wages. be ready for a connolly issue soon as well course you do weston course you do!!
Start date more like!!! Dont hold your breath,money all entwined in switzerland. The daughter venting her fury over years of nicolina sucking up to Marcus.
puncheon dropped,aox playing......fallout with puncheon from now on,
Cant see it myself, Swiss were neutral and as for the Italians.... Would be great if we did,in fact we should have it in the book now as a standing order!!! And wouldnt it look standout great on the shirt.
fine. no more. St Billy i was replying to saints forever reply14.
i dont know,promises made to a third party,without permission, i dont know help me out here someone. Dont shoot me. I have never made anything up on here,and this is the first thing i havent really understood that ive posted.
You're not gonna like/buy this,but we are gonna have to rely on NA for all his attributes,and I think he is showing plenty of them,because.....I hear there maybe a court case in the offing with Nicolina and the family over "promises made to Southampton now broken" That is all i know, that is all i may ever know. Dont know who made the promises and if they were broken and i know it sounds vague, and only exactly what would be expected from me, but that is what Ive been told. On another matter there are goals in this team,back to our old scoreline!!
course you have, weston course you have, oh and in answer to elsewhere on here, frazer in,guly out,chaplow out.........punch in not aox. my friend is a friend of a player at notts co who confirmed this to me!! which is quite worrying it will be interesting to see which crony the ridiculouc brothers get in as chief scout! its a very big appointment with the most critical window in the five year plan fast approaching think we should sell lala as well cos i think nicolina will not turn down any bid over 1 - 1.5 mill he will not sell aox though although there will be interest from chels. i hope my spelling and grammar are up to everybodies standards, but brandy in one hand and watching a head bobbing up and down can put the concentration levels in japrody course you do weston course you do!!!!
horrible little bully. Has no clue how to behave.....very dangerous little whelk, now that he has all the responsibility and no accountability. Would he have behaved like that had ML still been around? the Toby Young of bankers! like him less and less the more he gets involved in the day to day stuff. Ive always felt that we harboured a lot of goodwill around the country,i think its fast dissapating thanks to Nicolina Very unsavoury behaviour typical banker.
chief scout gone now. burke and reed responsible for more bodies than Burke and Hare! was looking to leave after the first week of their collective bullocks,shame cos hes a decent football man who will be snapped up somewhere. the 2 non events strike again.
chief scouts quit now!! was looking to leave after a week because of reed and burkes b/s!! he"ll get snapped up real quick cos hes a "proper" football man. Burke and Reed responsible for more bodies than "Burke and Hare"
pele playing for santos at fulham when i was a kid. then went up to scotland to watch maradonna destroy the jocks in 81/82 being the same age as diego id have to give him the nod ,but im sure if iwas peles age id plump for him, ive seen all the others on this thread and its a no contest,these two .....different class!
there always one. we must have the best "point missing" board in the league. or is it just a developement opinion
I dont think it will be, simply because he is known as 'nervous Nige" in the game and is also known to be indecisive. The flip side of this is obviously there is nothing wrong with being nervous,as long as it does not manifest into anxiousness, which is bloody contageous in the dressing room,..... and taking your time to come to the correct decision is always better than rushing a wrong one!! KNOWING what cortese is like I dont think it will be, as the amount of pressure and interference cortese applies makes it very difficult ,thats not to say that I dont think he is not a good and successful manager. on another matter,the developement (ex reserves) squad was first put upon the staff at the training ground around february last year,that was when all the "marquee" games were put on the table,AC/Inter Milan,all premier clubs,an Italian tour etc etc. pulling out of the reserves is reeds baby and cortese has picked it up and run with it, but other than the fulham fixture i think it is a poor decision as the quality of opposition has been grim. I know the senior players who are not playing regularly are not happy about it. reed had to come up with something ground breaking when he was employed to oversee the infrastucture last sesson, and filling cortese' head with the developement squad nonsense was a good move to justify himself, as its one of those projects that 'will bear fruit in the long run". To me this is open ended and therefore impossible to judge and leaves reed a long period of non-culpability (is that a word??) load of cobblers, lets be able to watch our reserves, lets be able to see the youngsters coming through,lets be able to see them competing in a league,they, and we want to compete at all levels. Developement is fine, but have that up to the u21s and make those games irregular,uncompetitive and behind closed doors if you like, but dont lose out on the next vital step up....competitive reserve team football.
If we are going to to the intimate level of shortening nicknames I would prefer to be known to you as "leftini" as i am known on the continent!!
100pc agreed, i was really refering to previous poor fixtures,this level of opposition, if its the way they are going to be now is indeed a good move , but the quality of the opposition now established has be be maintained.
all part of Reeds grand plan, u21? developement?, b/s that they feed us!!, hardly any u21s so who gets developed?, Reeds plan to get his mate hunter in....cortese buys it because he doesnt know any better, and we are left with the spin of developement as opposed to reserves. what happened to the "marquee" developement games, spurs, arsenal, inter milan ,even an Italian tour!! All muted, nothing delivered, it is a waste at the moment, nike academy?? tanzania u21s perleeease!!! Behind closed doors!!! who do we think we are? oxo martin robbo and the kids who played at eastleigh will not progress playing these games, and they are gonna be called on at some stage, and even the overage players who also will be needed are preparing badly from a match fitness/game scenario point of view. There are development teams abroad, but they are 16-18yr old teams who are DEVELOPING!! im not buying this b/s, alarm bells started to ring with the ap sacking statement,lawyer/management gobbledeegook, there is a disconnect between cortese /reed and us, the fans, or am i on my own in feeling this. its about communication not obfuscation. Please dont just dismiss this again as a cortese /reed agenda (although now i think about it ,it probably is,but is that so wrong?)i think its open for discussion, as i do have grave doubts about the way we are being run in and around the training ground. My concerns werent with pardew or the team this year,i thought we would definately go up and be close to winning it,that now cant happen for whatever reason,i then changed my view after the wilkins debacle, too many lost points and bound to take the new guy a while to get going,it made me wonder why he (wilkins) escaped the cull!! NA came in espousing the quality of the squad and how pleased he was to inherit it, so my only grouse is with the decision making at the top,cortese knows nothing of running a football club and i dont think the advice he gets from reed stands up to scrutiny....thus far
pappa was disliked by the majority of the squad because of his attitude to training, and the way that he constantly went to cortese to complain about not playing and worse still blaming the other players for him being (almost permanently) offside because they weren't releasing the ball quickly enough, "in italy this and in italy that" was his mantra. downes told pardew to get antonio as soon as he came (pre charlton away) as rogers at reading didnt think he was any good and we could take him on loan with a view to buy in jan for £50/75k. Because he was in competition to pappa, cortese would have nothing to do with it,and this was the first signs of the rift that turned into the chasm,culminating in cortese walking out at wycombe when antonio was chosen over pappa.cortese believed all pappas b/s over all the staff and managers opinions. when rogers got the sack there was no way reading werent going to take up the years option on antonios contract, so that was dead but we could have had him if we 'd have acted earlier. footnote;cortese came to pardew again about pappa pre season and ap said no, and it culminated in the 2 of them having a thousand pound bet that pappa wouldnt play 10 games for fiorentina this year, anyone know how thats panning out. i thought he saved pardews job with the 2 goals against torquay for what its worth!! I used to love the fact that every throw in he took was a foul throw, i used to fall about whenever he picked it up to take.
absolutely, exactly, completely,totally,spiffingly,correct!!!
beautiful game... my arse, playing out from the back...my arse these are 3rd tier players,playing under massive pressure. the favs have won this league once in 17 yrs,pressure of expectation.Players have faults whatever club you're at, and at this level the faults aren't really in the way we play, its handling the pressure of expectation,thats what i thought the early problems were this season under pardew, not scoring early against pafc, not holding the lead against the o's.I was hoping that would dissapear after rovers away,but then all the chaos started. if NA is under orders to play a specific way by cortese, as alluded to elsewhere on here,I think we will overplay our way into another season in this godforsaken league.
get it now!!!!! beautiful game my arse. wilkins said to the lads "its gonna be pure football from now on" its about getting out of this god forsaken division **** poor yesterday,**** poor.
Thats exactly how things should, and do happen at clubs where the guy doing the sacking is an ok guy.We of course have a vague statement,hang the pepole out to dry leaving everyone wondering what the reasons were.He should have had the balls to pay him up wipe his mouth, tell the truth and just get on and back his judgement in appointing someone he believed could do better. he appointed ap after all, was his ego too big to admit he had made an error. i think that will always be the problem emanating from the top.
first sentence of the second paragraph is spot on,apart from cortese knowing who he was going to put in,hence the disasterous point loss during wilkins abortion of a reign.It was criminal of this board to jump to the conclusions that we did,but i thought it wasnt right of cortese to hang the three of them out to dry amidst all the rumours.There was no cloud only the one cortese allowed us to create.Typical secretive weasel banker! still water under the bridge now,hope we dont lose out by the amount of points lost during the "abortion period" Like to know what input wilkins is having now. his brother proved hopeless as a manager as well.
Just how/why did pre-season turn into such a shambles ?
leftback replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
look nc talked Markus into saving us ....flaming fabulous. But i just dont think anything he has done since then has been any good. lets hope appointing NA proves to be good, , but even doing that was a dogs dinner. look ill stop about him now. the BELIEVE me stuff was thoroughly tongue in cheek. so untill he makes another balls up I'll turn it in. gotta feeling theres gonna be sackings again shortly not NA of course probably st marys somewhere. oh and fonte back saturday after complaining to NC, just got that!!! -
Just how/why did pre-season turn into such a shambles ?
leftback replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
ask me something then? i am not francis benali, and i am not fish. but everything i have told you on here is the truth. also im not the analyst. and my only agenda is that he is not doing a good job,has too big an ego for the role he has,after all it isnt his money. the world he is from has no idea of team work and collective responsibility,its banking and wealth management,abstract jobs,steeped in secrecy and without trust. his relations with all members of staff is despicable and he is universally disliked by sms staff and all except reed burke and hunter at the tg.