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Everything posted by Katalinic

  1. Interesting article - Wotte's use of the word "we" post Pinnacle meeting suggests he has been told that he has a role to play in the club.
  2. I wouldn't say Tisdale is a non-starter but some of the rest I agree with you.
  3. An article like this was always likely to appear during the 3 week period of exclusivity. More like to be for "agenda" reasons than any truth IMHO - whose agenda and to what ends, who knows?
  4. Whoever he is, I hope he isn't "outed" on here and anything put in jeopardy! (But if anyone knows can they PM me!!)
  5. Disagree - it was exactly what was called for and was an excellent statement that informed fans of the facts - how refreshing to be able to type that.
  6. I agree, because of the shock of relegation from the Prem and the circus that has followed we have spent the last few years looking at the positives from the past instead of dealing with the reality of the situation we are in, now is the time we have to look forward and start the re-building process.....and all together.
  7. Shall I start a Press Conference conspiracy theory?
  8. No but we could follow the example of Exeter City - fan owned club and a real success story, you should take the trouble to find out about it some time.
  9. Radio Hants said that Fry is at the stadium tomorrow so they will ask him what the situation is.
  10. Seems to me like the Echo know nothing - this is a typical hedge your bets headline - they can't be wrong either way can they? Nothing new here so lets continue to wait and see.
  11. Brilliant picture The Farmer - lol.
  12. He only made a few cameo appearances of about 1 minute each but still managed to look so awkward that every touch he had (about 15 in total), made me nervous.
  13. If it was anyone else I would agree but Lowe is a different breed - he is thick skinned, vindicative and arrogant enough to think he can walk back in. I know for a fact that the day after he usurped when Wilde came into town that he was already plotting his return and telling anyone that would listen that he would be back.
  14. Totally agree. I would be finished with Lowe's version of SFC and would offer my support to any newly formed real SFC team (as per FC United).
  15. 100% agree. Exactly the type of manager we need.
  16. OK. Doesn't look good though, 5 companies dissolved between 2001-2004 and one in liquidation.
  17. Quinten Murray Hubbard is not a current director of any company according to creditsafe and is a resident of Guernsey. Also listed is a second address at Highnam Gloucestershire.
  18. The only decision Lowe got right all season then - I just never got the Telfer thing - couldn't pass, tackle or cross - actually come to think of it he would have fitted in quite well this season. Would have been a waste of peanuts though IMHO.
  19. Surely we are not getting someone of Abramovic proportions.......are we???
  20. Don't know of he was there yesterday but I think he is a Saints fan having seen him at many games before - I believe he is also a good friend of Lowe. I hope FF that if there is any connection the breeze turns into a hurricane and blows him far from SMS.
  21. If the shoe was on the other foot we would have been as vocal. Better to concentrate our efforts on saving OUR club than wasting time on vendetta and recrimination.
  22. I still believe the general feeling is that the players earn thousands a week and publically anyway have said and done f*** all - of those I've spoken to the attitude seems to be that "why should I contribute to BWP's wages" - people would feel more inclined to contribute if those on thousands of pounds a week did the same. Given the circumstances the club is in I agree that the fans have to make things happen if we want a football club next year but it is understandable.
  23. In the press conference yesterday Mark Fry stated that the intention was that one of the interested parties would atke over the club "before the money runs out". I can't see therefore that we are only a few days from oblivion.
  24. And worst of all, Wotton on a 3 year contract - unbelieveable decision http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/search/?mode=movenav&page_id=10234
  25. There wasn't one when we were relegated from the premier league so if we drop next week I wouldn't imagine there would be one. You can't blame some of the kids that have been put in this position and they don't deserve abuse. Most right minded fans know exactly where the blame lies.
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