I agree and in retrospect it was inevitable that it would in order that a buyer can get the best deal they can. I still suspect Pinnacle have gone back to Fry to negotiate a better deal on the basis that a club with -10 points and no appeal is worth less than one with the right of appeal.
I am not sure it is a tactical move - he has no other choice and it is getting desperate, expect a great deal of brinksmanship from all parties over the next few days.
Seems that way - the fact they are talking and didn't just walk away completely when they lost out on the exclusivity is a good sign that they are serious.
I wonder what there is to update? I hope its positive news, I can't see they would be called into a meeting to be told that they still haven't been paid.
When Sky were at SMS last Friday the reporter stated that he had been told by Fry that the funds were in and they just waiting to resolve the legal sticking point that we now believe to be the -10 points appeal issue.
I can't believe that Fry would have let it all get this far without having undertaken due diligence and seen proof of funds/received funds in a holding account.
Maybe Pinnacle are trying to re-negotiate with Fry - a club with -10 points is worth less than one with 0. Seems funny we suddenly have this new interest.....
I am pretty sure that Sky Sports reported that everything else including the money side was in place but it was the FL issue that was the sticking point. Seems like this info was coming from Fry directly.
So could it be the case that by ratifying the deal the FL are by default admitting that the 2 aren't linked and therefore will have screwed up their own case for the 10 point deduction? This would also tie in with FF's point about how they can deny the right of the club to come out of administration.
So, in a nutshell the FL won't ratify the deal unless we admit the companies were linked and therefore we can't then appeal the 10 points. They have got us by the balls.
Vincent and/or Robert Tchenguiz.
Involved in property and loads of other things (in 2007 bought Peverel Group based in New Milton).
Seem to remember Morph was hoping it wasn't them. They own a company called Consensus who rescued the estate agent Chesterton from administration a couple of years back - the Saints project is right up their street imho.