A Priest is fishing with his mate and catches something.
"That's a huge f*cker you've got there father," says the friend.
"Watch your language around a man of God," replies the Priest.
A little embarassed, the friend lies and tells the Priest that the species of fish is called a "f*cker".
The Priest takes home the fish and talks to the Bishop and explains about catching the "f*cker".
"I'll clean the f*cker and we can have it for dinner tonight when the Pope comes round."
So he cleans it and then shows it to the Cardinal, who says he'll cook the "f*cker" for the pope tonight.
The Pope comes round for dinner and comments on the lovely fish and, eager to please, the Priest exclaims, "I caught the f*cker!"
The Bishop cries, "I cleaned the f*cker!"
And the Cardinal continues, "I cooked the f*cker!"
The Pope takes a moments thought, looks around the table at them and says, "You know, you c*nts are alright."