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Blind Dog

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  1. Total political dogma with no thought whatsoever for any thing good that the BBC does. It just shows that you have no idea in your head if you think that any alternative would be "free"
  2. This human nature - is it the same human nature that must have existed throughout many hundreds of thousands of years of history when everyone had to band together to save one another from an attack from a lion; in other words human beings had to cooperate and join together to fight off common enemies; or is it the human nature of the last few hundred years of capitalism which has crystalised into this current Thatcherite me only business. Imagine me only fighting the lion!
  3. Basically there are none. Having said that the October Revolution In Russia was the greatest event in human history - Why? because for the first time in history the majority had the power. Unfortunately for various reasons including the failure of the German Revolution of 1918 Russia was left isolated and, after the death of Lenin and the forced exile of Trotsky a bureaucratic elite developed. This elite usurped power. Nevertheless the benefits of the planned economy can be seen in the defeat of nazi germany, the space race, medicine, for example, because the profit motive was not paramount. The former Warsaw pact, China and Cuba developed basically in the image of Moscow. Socialism to exist and develop needs democracy the same as the human body needs oxygen. Capitalism on the other hand exists in Taliban controlled Afganistan, Saudi Arabia and every other despotic tyranny you can think of
  4. Makes one wonder why they bothered to crush the communists, the socialists and the trade unionists doesn't it!
  5. They are both capitalists - not philanthropists, they want a return on their investment. It is fantastic that they have invested in our club and long may that investment continue but it cannot be taken for granted imo
  6. We played 4 4 2 thats what you all want isn't it? Love it
  7. This was McMenemy's first game as manager not team manager designate if memory serves me right. We changed tactics and entertained the crowd instead of putting the wall up which had served us well up to then
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