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Red Alert

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Everything posted by Red Alert

  1. Started today. Anyone got any decent recommendations? Picked up anything decent already? Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition at £3.99 was my first buy today, sure more will follow.
  2. And so it begins. Good luck with this.
  3. What a difference a minute makes.
  4. Does Mane ever try to run in behind the full back when Bertrand is on the ball?
  5. I wouldn't call leaving on 88 mins to beat the traffic last night before a 3 hour drive home particularly fickle. But then that's exactly what I did yesterday. Each to their own I guess.
  6. Out today 50k soaking wet and covered in sh!t when I got back. Went through a ford that was about half an inch under my bottom bracket, so freewheeling to keep my feet dry when some lovely lady drove though it in the car. Rouge wave got me about ankle high. Thanks. Gave the bike a really proper all over clean when I got back home and held a moments silence before fitting the turbo tyre on the back. Not able to get out in the next couple of weeks due to various things so will have to put in the fun miles looking at the wall for a little while.
  7. Lovren falling on his ass again. So poor this season its hilarious.
  8. Is it wrong to point out it was written by a woman? A good read.
  9. I was at a friends house in 2004 watching a game and we all agreed Rooney would be the all time leading scorer and highest number of caps. Still looking like that will be right but the truth is he has never done anything for England. Cant even remember a single game that he has won on his own for us. Mediocre player vastly over-hyped.
  10. I am not sure is will work but its the road over the side of the Wrekin. http://www.strava.com/activities/219422866/segments/5184697390 should be the strava segment. This is by far the hardest hill I have found around Telford so far. Its only short but I cant do anything other than get up over the front wheel and grind slowly away at it.
  11. Should everyone who is into stats and cycles have a power meter if money wasn't an issue? A rep from work offered me his month old vector s pedals for a couple of hundred quid as he is changing to powertap. Not something I had considered getting before due to the price. Anyone on here use one? Also i read a lot about spinning not grinding. Can anyone spin a 34/25 up a 17% slope? Some fecking woman in a Range Rover beeped at me with about 20 meters to the top, I was grinding about 45 rpm and really really on the limit for me. That ****ed me off more than anyone cutting me up ever has.
  12. I agree with this word for word.
  13. Just looked at this ride on Strava looks a tidy route, whats the Ironbridge to Atcham road like to ride? Go that way to work most days but always seems really busy on weekday mornings. I come from Atcham along Spout Lane and have yet to see a single car on there. Think its Nat Cycle route 45. Signed up to do the Wiggle New Forest Sportive in spring. Gives me something to aim for early enough next year to keep me out on the bike in the cold. Also going to get in touch with the Wrekin Riding Club and see about going out with them sometime soon. Feels like some proper progress given I bought my first bike about 3 months ago.
  14. 75k today with 1k of climbing in there too. Futher than i have done before and on three weeks with out a ride so my best was behind me around the 50k mark and was just a grind painfully home. Probably too much too soon for me today.
  15. Out this morning for the first time in a fortnight. Still full of the cold but needed to do something. Seemed to be struggling from the first turn of the wheel and called it quits after a miserable 15k. Disappointing. Still, hope for decent weather next weekend as I will be out Saturday and Sunday if I can be.
  16. Yeah but Walcott is not back yet and he did his months before jrod.
  17. He needs to be scoring there. Shocking miss.
  18. The importance of cadence? As many of you know i am very new to cycling only staying out about 6 weeks ago. Yesterday was my first ride with a cadence sensor on my bike. When peddling easy i was always dropping to around 60-65 rpm. Everything i have read says this is to low. At the moment i don't have the energy in my legs to push a bigger gear that fast so would end up in the inner ring on anything other than pancake flat roads. Should i do this anyway to get into the habit of riding with a higher cadence or push the harder gear and work cadence out age a few months?
  19. I went in via Coalport down from Madeley going past the Blist Hill Museum, and went out up the Station Road/Coach Road onto Darby Road towards Little Wenlock. I just saw your route to North Wales on Strava, looks a nice ride.
  20. Today I but off more than I could chew. I planned a 45k route out last night that included a nice drop down onto the River Severn at Ironbridge and a short climb out. Lovely down there at 8 in the morning, seriously felt like crying on the way back up though. I set one Strava segment that is the slowest it has ever been done, though it did include me stopping to throw up. So the 45k quickly dropped to a very challenging 20k that I was glad to get home from. Might keep it a bit flatter tomorrow.
  21. This is what I love about these games. I could literally pick it up now, start a new game and within 30 mins be addicted for the next 6 months.
  22. Well this was always going to happen...my first crash today. Well more like stopped to have a look at where I was, tried to get going on a bit of a hill in the wrong gear, didn't have the power in my legs to get going and didn't unclip in time so down on my ass I went. To be fair a lady in a car stopped and asked if I was ok, couldn't help but laugh at myself said I was fine and got going again. Just got back and noticed a fair bit of small gravel stones stuck into my helmet :/
  23. Had a spare hour from work this afternoon and was really keen to get out on the bike. I suppose that's a good sign. Only got through 10k in 24 mins with a couple of tiny climbs but for me just the fact I was out there again was great. VFTT - I didn't say in the other thread but thanks for the bike advice, I completely ignored it though. I bought a cheap Felt F95 and have told myself that if I use it enough during the next 6 months I can get a nice upgrade early next spring. p.s If anyone fancies mocking me on Strava - http://www.strava.com/athletes/6097634
  24. Red Alert


    So we have played more long balls than any other team? Perhaps not, but lets not pretend this stat all of a sudden makes him a useful player in the first couple of games.
  25. I know this is hardly a huge sporting achievement but I went on my first ever road bike ride today. Also the first time I have been on any bike in the last 15 years. Managed a frankly huge 10k and was dying. Not much but it felt so good to do I loved it. Lots of work to do, but nice to be on the way at least.
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