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Red Alert

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Everything posted by Red Alert

  1. I suffered like a dog today on a little 30k ride home work. Cant decide if it was the 2 weeks off the bike or the new drink I was trying out that knotted my stomach up. Either way I haven't had 30 minutes as uncomfortable as the last 10k of that ride in a long long time.
  2. Cant say I am either surprised or bothered by this. Never was impressed (Newcastle apart) anyway. Must be a better was to spend £2million around Europe.
  3. I booked onto the Wiggle New Forrest spring sportive back on October. As it was way further than I had ever rode at the time i was really good motivation for me to be more active over winter than I would have been without it.
  4. I dont hate this, if that turns out to be the real thing.
  5. I cant help but feel that is so painfully unoriginal. I know red and white stripes cant be done too many ways but the little shoulder triangles, the badge falling between two stripes and the white flashes around the bottom of the sides looks like a really rushed job. Not something I would want to buy. In fact although this might sound silly the less a shirt looks like a football shirt the more I want it. The sash really was the pinnacle of recent years for me.
  6. Spoke protector was broken off one clip that was the rubbing on the cassette. Has found its way into the bin now so all is well. Done 110 miles in each of the last two weeks with the Wiggle New Forest and my first outing with the local club on Sunday so from where I began near the start of this thread things have improved massively. Feeling so much better in my day to day fitness is unreal. Also I am always thinking of when I can next gt out on the bike. Really really enjoying it at he moment.
  7. Can I ask a bit of technical advice here, if someone could help I would massively appreciate it. Out on a little ride tonight and the bike is making a really rough noise. Sounds like its coming from the back wheel, its a rubbing sound that doesn't seem to be connected to the pedal rotation. I cant see anything rubbing the back wheel and when I lift the bike I cant replicate the noise. It is much much worse if i ride with the bike titled to the hard right underneath me and is gone if I do the same to the left. Driving me crazy and I have no idea what that might be. Any ideas?
  8. I am doing the standard route on Sunday. First time ever near a group of riders that big so feeling a bit anxious about it.
  9. I picked up a 61 plate mk6 Golf today to replace my Fiat Grande Punto. What a huge difference in ride comfort, excellent car to drive so far at least. If there is one local in budget I would highly recommend a look.
  10. I had a proper bike fit yesterday. 3 hours really well spent. Found I had my seat tilted forward by 4.6 degs so was putting extra pressure through my shoulder blades. Moved my cleats around a bit and saddle up literally 6mm and things seem smoother. Really very interesting how tiny little things can have such an impact. My right cleat with not straight so my ankle wasn't moving freely up and and down which was in turn wiggling etc etc..
  11. Isn't the Amazon TV thing a better bet than the Pi2 for Kodi? Seems very well supported and comes with the Amazon stuff too. I use a NUC at the moment but haven't made the jump to Kodi from XBMC Frodo.
  12. Is there any other team in the league that plays one up top with the main striker having not scored since before xmas?
  13. Pelle misses from less than a yard. FFS!!!!
  14. Tadic has been total s hit in the first half. Pelle done very little and Mane very wasteful. Elia - came on as a sub and havent sen him since. Poor poor poor.
  15. cant do much about a volley into the top corner from the edge of the box. All about how we respond now. Bertrand looking good already, maybe the break has done him good?
  16. Not the best start
  17. Murray getting sent off is decent for us in midweek.
  18. Coldest game of my life was 2 seasons back on Halloween or Bonfire night perhaps. Think Shaw made is debut in that game, lost 2-0. It was the cold I remember more than anything.
  19. Anyone ever taken a bike on holiday, solo style? Going with the extended family to Andalusia in Sept and was thinking of taking the bike with me. Would be the only person that would ride but a couple hours a few days a week wouldn't cause me too much grief from mrs. I think the hills around there would be too good to miss. Anybody done anything similar or got any tips?
  20. I work 6 miles down the A49 from Shrewsbury, I think it will be light enough to ride in once or twice a week soon. A year ago I would have laughed at even thinking that. Now its only a little 35k from home, no drama at all.
  21. Seriously paying the price for doing nothing for 2 months. Only rode about 45 mins due to being totally fckd. Back on the bike though and in a few weeks back up to speed I hope.
  22. Well said.
  23. Sorry if the question was worded incorrectly. I didn't mean I have anything wrong with American people and I am sure it is a lovely country in some parts its just all too often we see something like this. The Dunblane Massacre has been raised here but to me that just shows that the only real notable incident is now 18 years ago. Wikipedia tells me there have been 49 different school shootings in America that have resulted in fatalities since 1996. I know it is an impossible situation really, people carry guns because other people carry guns. That will likely never change, but there must be a tightening up of the laws so that people don't carry loaded guns into shops while out with the kids.
  24. FFS, how can things like this happen. Shot dead by a 2 year old in a busy shop. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30636326 Why do they insist guns make things safer?
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