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  1. Highest number of defeats against teams that were so shit they sacked their manager? Not sure what the record is but we’re on 4 and counting after today - Wham, Wolves, Leicester, Man U (ie every team that has sacked their manager). Christ we are going for it this season!
  2. Indeed. There is also the minor consideration that the players are shit and given this fact nobody will want to pay decent money for them.
  3. This. Romeo had already gone but yeah the other 2 on their own were stronger than the 3 we’ve got now.
  4. Superb work KWP
  5. Do be quiet. First half easily the best half of football we’ve produced this season.
  6. Disappointing to lose but I’m actually pleased with the performance. That’s what being subjected to nearly half a season of RM’s philosophy playing out in this league does to a man. Guardedly confident well avoid the lowest points ever ting. Merry Xmas!!
  7. TBF that is well established.
  8. Agreed, really weak.
  9. I don’t mind that at all. Right decision, quickly taken.
  10. Conclusive unrequired proof in 45 mins of football that Martin was a fucking hopeless Manager.
  11. Sadly as true today as it was two years ago. Merry Xmas!
  12. Well possibly pal but if I supported whatever team he landed at next I wouldn’t be holding my breath.
  13. The emotion just took over imho.
  14. He isn’t here to try to grind out results. Literally, thank fuck.
  15. Hmmm ‘there for the taking’ not so sure but yeah absolutely there were possibilities we didn’t choose to explore. I’d have had Armstrong off and TP on with Archer upfront on about 70 mins personally but, whatever, it’s a point and a solid performance. Ramsdale makes a massive difference imho.
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