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  1. stknowle

    Ivan Juric

    Ha yeah his appearance has changed as much as his tactics have.
  2. stknowle

    Ivan Juric

    Excellently put and 100% bang on the money. What is it about this fucking club that it can’t just do normal pragmatism. Jesus Christ.
  3. I believe that’s TP out there on his own as top scorer in the league with 3 which is fitting as he is fractionally better than the rest of our impressive roster of attackers imho.
  4. We are utter crap no doubt about it but fuck me Gary Birtles is getting on my tits with the constant whinging.
  5. If we are capable of playing as well as we did in that first half against arguably the best team in the world we should be capable of getting 3 more points this season. If we are wedded to the 3 CBs I can see ABK THB and Janny B, Downes and Les in the middle in front of them being solid enough. Surely to fuck that would be enough for ONE more win and/or 3 more draws…….SURELY……PLEASE!!!!!?
  6. Best result of the season. Well done lads!!!!
  7. Sugawara with a unique double 🤦‍♂️
  8. 7-0 or below frankly CGAF at this point, but ‘achieve’ 8 it gets annoying enough to impair the enjoyment of my weekend. Another 9 I’ll be pissed right off and If we make it to the holy grail of a 10 goal defeat then I’ll be fucking fuming, we’ve fucking suffered too much already to be saddled with that one on top of everything else. Mercy please 🙏
  9. Hopeless. Literally hopeless.
  10. I’d stop doing that mate you’ll end up chewing the carpet.
  11. Everything about this season, this team, this squad, these owners, this club is beyond fucking awful. There’s nothing else to say really, I cannot believe the depths we have plumbed.
  12. Well I cry, Oh my God do I cry so…………..
  13. Looked like KWP was playing them well onside though doubtless ‘It’s only So’ton who are fucked anyway so why bother to check’ was the general vibe @ Stockley Park.
  14. To the tune of……..?
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