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  1. Jack-ett in (I'll get me coat).
  2. Sorry Baj, auto correct obviously working:blush:
  3. Ban, also getting re-directs on iOS since Friday evening
  4. So is Frank near the top??
  5. I see para 1.6 of the planning statement was a hairy moment for the former chairman!
  6. Maybe we're looking elsewhere. The quote is from VVD last night on Dutch TV. Bishop Crosas CSC (@BishopCrosasCSC) 27/08/2014 09:30 "I want to play at the highest level in football and obviously i can't do that with Celtic. We'll see."
  7. Dream Theater - Scenes From a Memory Amaseffer - Slaves For Life Opeth - Ghost Reveries Pain Of Salvation - Be Marillion - Brave
  8. The new Bayern kit is very similar, also by Adidas, and would look good in red'n'white http://www.footyheadlines.com/2013/12/fc-bayern-munchen-14-15-kit.html
  9. France doesn't seem to be top of his choices. http://www.sportsmole.co.uk/football/ajax/news/de-boer-rules-out-serie-a-barcelona-moves_153829.html
  10. Maybe (probably) making 2 + 2 = 5, but there are a couple of threads on this page from the Sun and mentioning Diego. What if the Osvaldo rumours have some substance and Atletico Madrid are interested, maybe the Sun have the wrong Diego: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_da_Silva_Costa Maybe a swap deal in the offing?? Just thinking aloud.
  11. Norway is that funny.
  12. According to transfer market he's got dual Argentina/Italian nationality http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/pablo-piatti/profil/spieler_56067.html
  13. Nope, 1 - 0 - 9 http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/serie-a/napoli-ag-lewandowski-giorni-molto-importanti-per-il-futuro-463915
  14. Luxury, we used to live in shoebox in't'middle o road ;-)
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