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Everything posted by pittdogg

  1. im mean your the first to poke holes in the ps3 and yeah it isn't perfect but nor is the xbox and im sure a man of your know how of games consoles would know a lot of negative points on the 360 but its always playstation related and never xbox thats why your views are seen as biased
  2. st marco read my last post on the ps3 v 360 thread im not having a go but it is true that the only threads you do are negative on the ps3 in one way or another eg blu ray etc and the fact is you never put negative media articles about the xbox mate
  3. pittdogg


    not really sure mate. make an offer and il have a think
  4. pittdogg


    this link works http://www.myspace.com/thenovertones sorry bout that
  5. pittdogg


    the links not working just type http://www.myspace.com/thenovertones into the web address
  6. pittdogg


    sorry mate i cant seem to upload a picture on here. think it might be where im not using a p.c. there is a picture of my one on my bands pagehttp://www. myspace.com/thenovertones its a righty but as you will know just re string it to a left handed set up. its in mint condition and comes with an epiphone hard case. if you still want to buy please let me know an offer
  7. that pretty much sums it up at the moment. they need to do a lot of work to it. dont think it should have been released as a open beta yet its crap
  8. i am actually quite shocked at how short that post is. thought you only wrote in paragraphs:D na seriously st marco my only problem is that you only report on negative sony news. and thats why you come across as a fan boy. you read something bad about sony or ps3. never do you report on negative microsoft news. that is what a lot of people are trying to say. i mean im sure theres at least one bad thing about the xbox you could have wrote about. fact is i dont care wether my ps3 is made by sony, microsoft or asda i brought it when i had the money to. i could have brought an xbox or a ps3. but i chose the ps3 because i preferred it. and by the way sony is a massive company and i think the computer part only makes up a small percentage of sony. and were are in a recession. and some company's have been hit and others haven't. e.g. woolworths have argos hasn't etc
  9. yes mate
  10. search playstation home red bull air race on you tube. this looks promising
  11. uncharted‚ its so under rated ‚ if you have ps3 then try this game
  12. well said barfy. what exactly is your job st marco ?
  13. ad me baj i might be abel to get you in
  14. pittdogg


    i have a signature noel gallageher supernova with union jack paint job. i f##king love it not only to look at but it plays as well as a gibson es335 and very rare as they have not been in production since 2002. i would hate to sell it but times are hard. and would consider selling for the right price. i will put a photo up if anyone's interested?
  15. yeah i did hear about having to pay for that mag game. not to happy about that. but playstation home is free. you get a free apartment and full access to public areas. im in the beta its mad. though there is a shopping mail where you can buy new clothes,stuff for your house and an estate agents. some content is brought using real money and some using money you have earned(a new system is being set up to award you money for earning trophys on games)
  16. my point was marco what would 80gb of memory a high def player wireless and 5 YEARS xbox live full subscription cost. and i do believe you would be able to tell me this in no more than the figure it comes to(witch is allot more)you dont need to write an essay just a number £???. I run my ps3 through wireless because myself router is in the bedroom connected to the main bt point and dont want a wire going through my house to connect it up. i have about 10 blu rays i which when we have friends round they love to watch because of the amazing picture and sound quality is eg 1080p picture, DTS HD master audio. and the pure fact i can play my friends for absolutely free is good enough for me. i have never said the xbox is crap simply because its not and unlike your belief i am not defending something because i paid allot of money for it if i buy something and i think its s##t i will tell people the only reason i post replys to you is because the ps3 just isn't the piece of crap you make it out to be. its an advanced bit of technology and you get allot for you money
  17. st marco what is it that you think makes the ps3 so expensive?. You use xbox live am i right. that is £40 a year for full access to its online facilities where as full access is free on playstation. wireless is about £50 on xbox and free on playstation. and add to that the cost of an hd dvd drive(and yes that is relevant because playstation has its built in blu ray player) so can you find a brand new xbox 360 with 5years xbox live membership, wireless internet, blu ray/hd dvd player, and 80gb of memory for cheeper than a 80gb ps3(which has all of the above)at £299 play.com?
  18. no you come across as an xbox fanboy because you make threads about "xbox outsells wii" "xbox wins award" and make biased threads about ps3. i understand the ps3 has its falts as does you xbox. but it also has its good points its a good bit of technology.i have no regrets about mine. the major fact is you have never made a positive thread about the ps3 and that's why you come across as a fanboy im not trying to get in an argument with you.im just trying to state something that im sure a few people think
  19. its amazing. its just as fun as its hyped up to be. and when they say you can build anything you want in the create mode you are really only limited by you imagination this game is like nothing you will have played before. its a completely fresh idea. it had alot to live up to and to be honest i didn't think it would be able to punch above the expectation.but it does oh and when you get it try playing it without a huge grin on your face............you cant:D
  20. i have a team going and we are playing regular matchs as of tonight. will be able to play most nights and have sent alot of invites out already. matt i have sent you a friend request. check your player hubs on fifa and ad me if you want to play.its good fun and believe we should make one big club. there is no favouritism everyone can play whenever they like. psn id-pittdogg club name-afc southampton all abilities welcome:D
  21. i just downloaded it. i am not biased. but its awful.it felt like i was playing on a old console(early ps2 footie game)as for the game play. it sucked.i was a big lover of the pro evo series. and i was hoping for a massive improvement on last years poor attempt.but its not improved at all. just a reminder of how they have lost the magic of what was once a great game. im going to buy fifa 09 tomorrow. not just because pro is a let down.but fifa is now a good football game.
  22. didn't know you personally bob. i do remember the thread about the fa. rest in peace and god bless youl
  23. yea i would definitely get involved with that
  24. lol been along time since i have read the games bit on this forum. but gotta admit st marco it does always seems to be you involved at center of these arguments. i should know. as i had a few with ya;) in the famous word's of mr michael winner CALM DOWN DEAR ITS ONLY A COMMERCIAL:D
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