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Everything posted by pittdogg

  1. "I don't understand all the fuss," said Mrs Grant, speaking from Tel Aviv. "Avram loves massages, also Australian massages and Japanese massages, as well as having massages from Thai women. I swear on my children's lives that I am not mad at him. If I am mad, it is because he does not get massages every day. He's the manager of Portsmouth. Do you know how tough that is? He's a great manager stuck in a crappy team" the words of mrs avram grant. what a legend we should chip in and get her a saints shirt lol
  2. where abouts is the ticket for mate
  3. do you think me and 6 of my mates would of got 8 tickets in block 2 by the afternoon ? probably not
  4. what just because they got a saints shirt on?
  5. i will sell my epiphone supernova guitar, with union paint job and signed by nole gallagher, for bids start at £600 if your interested. dont wanna sell but desperate to sell by thursday so i can fund my saints habbit, wanna get a half season tickett
  6. it might be the charger,as the same thing happend to my bro in laws, you can get a new charger from game for cheep
  7. im about tonight cos the misses has gone out so i have the kids and the telly to myself, ad me psn id PITTDOGG if anyones having a game tonight
  8. top idea:smt040
  9. wish there was a way to stop the clapers coming in,that chant at that speed should of gone on for ages, i started to think we might get away with it but then the clapers come along.if only there was a way to get the point across that they are technically 2 difrent chants
  10. "we are not going to be the poor man of the premier league for long"..............i totaly agree, you are going to be the poor man of the championship
  11. i like your like.......poke lol
  12. saints out of relegation- bound to happen sooner or later, dirty pompey still at the bootom with mounting debts- F#####G PRICELES some things money cant buy...............for every thing else theres mastercard
  13. to be honest me and my mates were like that. still cant put my finger on it and i saw them at wembley arena. saw oasis at b.i.c last year and thought the venue was top
  14. i went to that gig. thought reverend and the makers where top also
  15. your in mate, anyone elses recon the good enough to play defence or midfield ad pittdogg on psn, and send me a msg when your availible for games, as long as you dont hog the ball and play a good passing game your in,
  16. 8 players in the team, arround 5 that play everynight il ad you in a bit mate
  17. if any of you fancy joining our fifa pro club saints team pleases let me know we play 7o clock onwards most weeknights or any time a few of us are online, mainly looking for defenders and center mid players, its good fun muggin off the other football fans when you beat them with saints, were called southampton afc after 2nights we played 9 won 2 drew 1 lost 6 like i said we need some good defenders and center mids look forward to playing with you all soon
  18. um its hard to say who our influence s are. i can see what you mean with the mems and undertones as our music has a punk feal to it.i couldn't honestly tell you exactly who influences our when we write its our goal to be individual as a band whist staying with our punky/mod sound
  19. http://www.myspace.com/thenovatonesmusic please follow the link and check out the demo,please post your comments on here and ad us on facebook
  20. oh dear....oh dear.still alot to do, maybe next year, but not this one me thinks
  21. we work on the market on the fruit n veg down there. were all saints fans and make it pretty clear as well;)
  22. through a bit of reseach i done it turns out funnily enough this seems to be the corect answer. including a skate i knows grandad who was in the navy getting very defencive saying "what would you do when you where out at sea for large periods of time not gettin any" he said he had never done so but new of it happening on the ships and spoke about it as if it wasnt wrong
  23. glean if your reading this PLEASE PUT THE NOVATONES ON THE BILL were all massive saints fans and we got a little version off oh when the saints we muck around with when practicing. we really would be honoured to play this
  24. golden eye or perfect dark have gotta be up there. uncharted drakes fortune is pretty good as well. oh and a mention to gta san andreas
  25. i believe. if we dont show that we do then we aint got no chance. were the saints and were gonna be alright soon UP THE SAINTS
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