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About pittdogg

  • Birthday 15/07/1985

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  1. Send a friend request to pittdogg mate
  2. have a fifa pro team on ps4. looking for players of any position. only requirement is thay your a saints fan. and if your reading this im pretty sure you will be. the team is called southampton FC if you can't find it on pro clubs add me on psn-pittdogg
  3. no i think the point you made nolan about the xbox one being the players choice look a load of rubbish oh and also on your point of console parity..... http://www.videogamer.com/xboxone/lords_of_the_fallen/news/lords_of_the_fallen_is_900p_on_xbox_one_1080p_on_ps4.html i thought the console are now equal. i think you will find your both have provided enough evidence that you dont know what you are on about. oh and yes the xbox has had a lot more updates but it had alot of catching up to do.
  4. Pittdogg
  5. Got a saints ps4 pro club under the name Southampton f c (the space in f c is ment to be there) any saints fans welcome to join psn id pittdogg
  6. opps forgot the link to the pic http://rsg.ms/1c4OuJ5
  7. little picture of my online guy with the saints badge on lol looking for a pompey team to play some team death matches against, join los santos sfc if you want the badge
  8. Got a sfc gta crew on ps3 'los santos sfc' ad me psn id pittdogg also has a saints badge as the crew logo so you can put it on your clothes and on your custom car, if you have headsets we can all chat about who we want to get in next year's champions league draw ;-)
  9. its one of wengers spys filming the next big thing trying once again to steal our youth ; )
  10. must be over 25.000 as my mate struggled to get 2 together he wanted northerm and the nearest he could get was itchen corner( chapel end) glad i got mine last week
  11. what thoughts were they mate ?
  12. bore off everyone saying he is unprofessional, he clearly states his views are his own regardless of the fact he puts saints info up they are merely links to the OFFICIAL twitter page or OFFICIAL website
  13. karma police-radio head goodbye blue sky-pink floyd i need a dollar-aloe blac
  14. go direct to hahasport
  15. here is my original post on the interview with lee thread got a very simple song for lee. to the tune of we will rock you fans all start by doing a "stomp stomp clap" repeated throughout the song whilst singing "lee will lee will rock you" any thoughts from the pc police if its acceptable to sing this at st marys? come on your all desperate to do the "stomp stomp clap" i do think if we could perfect the stomp stomp clap it would sound amazing but keeping in time isn't our strong point
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