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Totton Red

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Everything posted by Totton Red

  1. Totally wrong from a basic point of retail marketing. 29 quid rather than 30. When will the club learn any basic high street principles especially as it will not cash on the day. I do wonder if they have a clue about PR?
  2. I like the way you give it that endearing 'I'm only human' touch. Though often i would like to bash you over the head, but perhaps only with a rubber mallet (landscaping term)!
  3. I admire your long and complicated task. Demographically, I think that Wednesday mornings Totton market may represent a more balanced view of us today than the SFC forum - assuming of course that you are not analyzing the basic, local supporting football fan. If only the national PLCs could achieve the allegiance of the home grown supporter.
  4. thought that we have all collectively agreed to play the game?
  5. Ponty, please try to earn respect as an adminstrator rather than being the local thug on the pitch. Your responses are usually intelligent and set an example!
  6. Social worker never accountable?....or perhaps the psychologist who can preach online?
  7. thought about it? been abroad apart from Orlando and the Costa del Sol?
  8. You really haven't a clue where the country is going over the next eighteen months have you? Perhaps try reading about Greenspan bubbles and the American reaction to 9/11 or the dotcom bust. Depression my friend will need more than a couple of prozac tablets or a 2.1**% discount.
  9. The process of redundancy has already started with 'the consultation period'. Lets discuss how we can improve productivity, lower costs and keep the plant open. It is a slow and painful process based on a thousand meetings that will follow official guidelines and avoid the legal nightmare of tribunals. I back the support from afar but you need a more strategic plan than relying on fellow commrades. Learn a lesson from the eighties rather than copy it!
  10. A company charges whatever it likes for a product. If prices stay the same on Monday then they make a few extra pence. Nothing illegal about this and I'm sure that the trading standards are already panicking about the idiotic calls they will have from Monday onwards!
  11. Really sad but Ford in Southamton is the equivalent of coal mines in South Yorkshire in the early eighties. The end is nigh and often a recession will exaccabate change. It will be a massive blow for the local economy and I doubt that the indecisive, bumbling council have organized a response
  12. Capitalism is based on free markets and is ultimately controlled by government regulation!
  13. Worth a mention for his game away to Liverpool. Such similarities to the cup game at Pompey
  14. Flowers for me...really suspect early on but became a truly great keeper. Shilts second, ignoring his ability off the pitch, but struggled later on when the ball was flying in at head height.
  15. At least they have a lump to lump it up to!
  16. It would always be devoid of facts - the agreement would need a certain level of success on the pitch!
  17. Sense that the Spanish Civil War is starting again!
  18. So your opinion should be respected above ex-professionals on the radio who feed the information to those who do not / cannot attend?
  19. Man and his dog watching then?
  20. Bankers still controlling our lives then?
  21. Worked for the media bourne from American ideals recently?
  22. Oh rather drama queen to say the least. So what if the poppy appeal has coverage for a week? At least it is in the spotlight the same as cancer on the summer runs. Charities can use these windows of opportunity to highlight their cause and maximise their revenue streams. Do you really think that people do not donate to various charities throughout the year because they spent their annual charitable budget in one week of November? Are you really worth the response?
  23. Told you months ago that the deal was done on the return of RL & MW
  24. Top ten then if you want to prove your point?....don't be afraid to mention the word 'cat'.
  25. Maybe shows little respect or a lack of connection with the average fan and the city of Southampton as a whole?...or more cynically another PR opportunity missed. Perhaps Barclays would see it as financially irresponsible for all those administration scaremongers!
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