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SAR Boy Saint

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  1. Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics!
  2. So on the basis of this, NC should have appointed Wurzel Gummage again then?
  3. Sorry, should have said it's a single DIN, and would like it to be a cd as well!
  4. Hi Guys, Looking for a reasonable stereo for my X Trail, with bluetooth connectivity for my phone. Would also like it to link to the steering wheel controls as the OEM Clarion unit does. Anyone know much about this and recommend something? Looking to spend £100-150. Cheers!
  5. I saw the article about the guys coming over from Malta in the Echo during the week, but that seems like a Sunday afternoon stroll compared to a chap I know. He flew from Melbourne Australia into Heathrow on Friday, saw the game on Saturday, then went straight back to Heathrow to fly back that evening! Respect!
  6. I've just upgraded to a Desire S, and having never had a smart phone before, I was wondering if people had any suggetsions for worthwhile apps to put on it? Cheers!
  7. Do you need a special anti virus for a netbook? I'm just looking at getting one, and the guy in PC World told me I needed a special Lite version so it didn't slow the machine down. Can you get free Lite versions of AVG or MSE or the like?
  8. Nearly the side that finished on Sat?
  9. What a load of poop. Take a couple of reality pills and chill out, man! If there was any grain of truth in this it would have been all over the Echo and had at least a few column inches in the Daily Mail!!
  10. Is that what Wall Street said about Lehman Brothers?
  11. So, Stephens as cover in CM who can also score goals, Forte and N'Guessen available as wide/pacey players, Guly fit again up front. Sounds good to me, glass half full from my perspective!!
  12. I suppose this is what the Wolves fans said about signing Drew Surman?!
  13. Just goes to show how tight this league is. One bad result for us last week and it's all doom and gloom. One bad result for Bompey and suddenly life is rosy!!
  14. Much the way I'd think about it. Take points from each game, win at home, win more than you draw away from home, try and remain unbeaten overall. I'm sure that would see us promoted!
  15. Wouldn't it be better to dub the BBC commentary over the video then? Can't be any copyright issues if they are already broadcast during games?
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