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Everything posted by stthrobber

  1. I've just started this game and found the frenetic pace a little off putting. Maybe that's because I was playing Deus Ex Human Revolution at the time.
  2. I wonder what the odds would be for Adkins to be next Spurs mananger though? That is more of a likelihood than England, assuming Redknapp fools the FA into thinking "he's the one"
  3. That's exactly what happened. I took it back this morning and the guy showed me that I had been trying to connect the DVI cable to the wrong output, there were 2 other DVI connections down at the bottom of the board and I hadn't seen them. I felt a complete kn*b but at least it's working fine and dandy now
  4. Yes I did. I would have been happy to install it myself, but there was nothing on the screen to respond to. It just sort of blinked every 2-3 seconds
  5. Well I bought a new desktop system from them today and it doesnt work. It doesn't boot up and the monitor just blinks. By the time I'd finished testing, their tech support lines were closed. Not a good experience so far
  6. To be honest, most of the time I'm too busy concentrating on trying not to fart before I piddle to notice, but I would say, as a rule of thumb, that a thumb is too close.
  7. Thanks for the advice, I didn't realise until now that we have a Novatech here in Cardiff
  8. I am thinking seriously about replacing my ageing Mesh desktop PC and was going to give the order to Mesh, but having read some comments online about the company, I am dubious as it appears they went into administration last year, were bought out, but I cannot find a single positive comment about them. I used to read a lot of complaints about Dell customer service, but I like the look of their machines and I've found 2 other companies, PC Specialist and Dino PC that appear to have fairly good feedback. Can anyone recommend a decent manufacturer, or even say something good about Mesh more recent than September last year?
  9. This is a good point. Sky is worse than BBC though, particularly on Soccer Saturday with Tony Cottee and Paul Merson with their "and then what he done Jeff" kind of talk. I don't have a problem at all with Claridge, I actually quite like him. I quite like the FLS but as it has 3 divisions to cover, it does sort of rush things a bit, but then if they only show the goals for Saints games, then Saints player has good highlights. As for MOTD, I rarely, if ever watch it because of its top 4 bias and dull pundits. Lawrenson is ok, but Shearer is as dull as dishwater and Hansen is so far up his own @rse it's not true. I also dislike the "analysis" which they purport to be the opinions/tactics of the pundits. If they were that good, they would be successful managers. I appreciate they aren't going to show Wigan v Stoke City as the top game if Man Utd are playing Arsenal for instance, but it's exactly that kind of bias that encourages the plastic fan to support the team that's marketed best as opposed to their local club. I guess football on BBC is just a reflection of football in this country as a whole, but would I miss the FLS if it was axed? If Saints got promoted, no, actually I wouldn't bother to watch it
  10. Indeed he is. He is one of a few players who have left Saints to go other clubs, none of which were as big as us, but now find themselves playing in the Premier League. I was astounded yesterday when I heard someone remark on 5 Live that Best's contribution to Newcastle's game yesterday was "outstanding" If a player is to make it through the academy, he needs to be single minded and dedicated. Redknapp said at a Fan's Forum that too many kids have the ability, but get distracted once they get into their late teens and fall by the wayside. I'm not sure if Mike Williamson ever played a senior game for Saints, but he's also now at Newcastle having gone to, (I think) Torquay and Wycombe Wanderers. Nathan Dyer, now at Swansea (via the cells in Pompey nick), along with Garry Monk, so it shows these guys had the ability to make it at the top level, but maybe didn't have the application, or like Best let their ego/attitude get in the way.
  11. Cardiff worked hard, but hardly looked like scoring until we gifted them 2 goals. Kelvin was so far off his line for the first, and got stranded, and Jos' careless pass for the 2nd was the icing on the cake. I expect us to lose games, but I expect us to lose because the other team are simply better, and not because we hand it to them on a plate. De Ridder was great when he came on though, and I hope that last night's defeat is a wake up call for any player that got over confident. There were too many loose passes, too many little tricks that didn't come off when there was an easier option and too many sitters missed. The plus points were that we try and play good football, maybe Cardiff stifled that last night because they did work hard, so whilst I'm not suicidal because we lost, I am disappointed in the manner that we lost
  12. Let's not forget that the whole reason this debate has arose was because NC mentioned it in his Sun article. He was the one who accused LM and MLT of wanting freebies.
  13. I do seem to remember Cortese dissing Matt a couple of years back over his fronting the other group. I honestly believe it's nothing more than ego at work here. Matt and Lawrie would be serious rivals to Cortese in the club darling stakes since ML's sad departure. NC can take an awful lot of credit for what he has done for this club. It's been nearly 30 years since Saints fans can remember a prolonged period of success, but the architect of those heady days should be celebrated as such. Likewise, during our long years of struggles against relegation, the man whose goals kept us up should be equally celebrated. That they are treated as outcasts is to me, to the shame of Cortese
  14. I don't think it's about freebies either. In Matt's case he was the public face of a rival consortium, but he's also a club legend. I've been told by a few people that used to work at, or for the club in various capacities that NC has no interest in the club's history or its players. I think it's about stamping authority and showing that "it's my club now, not yours and I don't need you". It is a shame and the reality is that the article didn't actually need to mention either MLT or Lawrie
  15. Yes, if you lock them up they can't riot and cause misery. Once that's done, the govt should grow some balls, stop the PC diversity ******** and human rights act and show these idiots that if they commit crimes, then they will face the punishment. We owe them nothing. They riot because they can, not because of some social deprivation issue. That's what the left wing apologists would have us believe, but it doesn't wash with me. They respect nothing and deserve nothing
  16. It is simple thuggery. This is what the welfare state and benefits culture has created. These kids get no guidance from their parents, other than watch Jeremy Kyle and get drunk. You see these idiots cause misery on every estate in every city in the country and because the police have no powers to do anything about it, they carry on because there is no deterrent. If people were sent to prison to carry out the full term of their sentence, denied access to Xboxes and Playstations etc, then maybe they might think again. These people have choices like every one else, and they choose violence because they can get away with it, whilst everyone else just blames the police
  17. If the police make arrests at the scene, because of these do gooders, it means they will spend hours in custody suites putting case files together. These are unprecedented events and there's not an officer around who has any experience of such widespread public disorder.
  18. The only explanation for this is that there are young criminal thugs out there taking advantage of the situation to cause more mayhem. They have scant respect for the law because they know that even if they get charged with anything, they will at best get a rap on the knuckles. The criminal justice system in this country is a joke and they know it.
  19. The police are damned either way. If they come down hard on these thugs they're labelled racist, but these guys are out there literally putting their lives on the line to protect the public for scant respect or reward from many people. If they stop and search someone, they have to fill a bloody form out to justify why they have done it, but none of these thieves has to justify why they consider it okay to start causing public order problems and then go thieving. The police have been hamstrung for years by the politically correct policies of Tony Blair and his colleagues and it's sort of all coming home to roost now. If you ask a senior officer in the Met about anything he'll probably talk about diversity because all they want to do is get higher up the greasy pole of success
  20. There seems to be a lot of faith being pinned on this Guardian article. Bearing in mind they are fairly anti police and this allegation has come from a "source" then waiting for the outcome of the IPCC inquiry is probably the safest bet. I saw "killing an innnocent man" mentioned earlier (by yourself I think), but these guys have a split second to think and react and intelligence suggests that they had been following Duggan for some time and that he was possibly going to commit a revenge killing. He was not a fine upstanding citizen by any means, but that doesn't mean he should have been shot. Easy to judge when you aren't in that situation. Some say that the weapon was inside a sock and therefore not ready for use. Guns can be fired through socks, the sock would act as a filter for any residue left by firing so as to try and disprove that it was the weapon used. As to the allegations levelled that a senior officer failed to speak to the family. Well, you would be lucky to find any "senior" officer around on a Saturday in the first instance, though there would have been someone on call, but as there would have been a few footy matches as well as the rugby on Saturday, it's also conceivable that they were already tasked to be dealing with those situations. Irrespective of that, if these youths are so disaffected then trashing and looting the area is not the way to show it. This was merely an excuse for hooded gangsta types to take advantage of a situation and destroy the livelihoods of others who still have to live in that area. Oh and anyone with any knowledge of modern policing would know that they are so tied up with being ultra PC, multi cultural and diverse that they have to justify everything they do. In triplicate
  21. As with all protests these days, it was hijacked by violent thugs hell bent on causing mayhem. It was probably those on benefits that needed a new 42inch plasma that just happened to be on display in Comet that caused the mindless violence of last night. If the protests are more common under the Tories, I think it's likely at 14 years or so of Labour's rather misguided policies on diversity, multiculturalism, human rights and benefit scroungers and all the other left wing liberal things that have left the vast majority of indigenous Joe Public so hacked off. So far, the Tories have failed to right the wrongs and I think that tempers are flaring because of it.
  22. I believe we were indeed talking to him about signing, but as I remember, he wanted to stay up in Yorkshire for family reasons so he chose Bradford City. I think he would have done a good job for us too. I don't remember if him turning us down was a catalyst for us signing Deano, but if it was, we did very well out of it
  23. I used to worry about it. Saints used to be a priority in my life, but sudden deaths of close relatives changed my perspective somewhat and I realised, perhaps a bit too late, that it is indeed "just a game" and I used to berate people who pointed it out to me. Saints have over the years provided me with some extraordinary highs and lows, but I have put things firmly in perspective now and if they lose, hey, **** happens.
  24. P'raps I should qualify what I meant, if indeed it's my comment you refer to. I think now more than ever, the "club" is a product that we the customer buy into. There used to be discussion about things on occasion, but these days it's "this is what's on offer, take or leave", and in that respect, they seem to want to extract every little bit they can.
  25. I don't think this will make a difference tbh. I suspect the reason he left was because he couldn't get on with NC. As I understand things NC makes the decisions and they are implemented regardless of whether they are a good idea or not. This is what I was told by someone who has since left the club. The club's attitude to the fans changed when the club was bought by Markus. In fact the club's attitude to many things changed at the same time. That's why everything had to be paid for and why so many ex players and officials became unwelcome at the club. Whether it's a good thing or not, there are not many people left at the club who were there when the takeover happened and in some cases, staff turnover has been very swift. NC wants things done his way and thus far, the club has seen vast changes for the better in terms of facilities, playing and coaching staff and I guess this is what will keep most fans happy, but I certainly liked it more when I felt it was my club, but I guess that is the price of progress these days
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