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Everything posted by stthrobber

  1. The evidence would be circumstantial as it's entirely possible that this woman merely discovered both cars broken into. In my 20 years of working for the OB I have rarely come across a woman breaking into a car, it's normally youths that are responsible. Was there no request for scenes of crime officer to examine the car for prints? If they have made an untidy search then then if there is a chance that the ****head that did this has left prints and at the very least they should have suggested it. Our force relies a lot on the car owners taken their cars to main stations for printing where possible. They only need one good print and you can bet your arse that whoever did this is on record somewhere. As the woman was seen leaning into the cars there is no reason that she cannot be spoken to either as a witness or a suspect. I'm afraid the police, like any other organisation has its share of lazy sods.
  2. I think you will find that they will do anything they can to avoid administration and certainly there is not a lot of mileage in a 2nd hand football stadium. They have been left with a mess and it is causing them a lot of worry and stress trying to keep the club afloat, so whilst your question is valid, the reality is that they are not going in that direction they are trying as best they can to reduce our debt to the bank and try to develop a football team that can play good attacking football on a limited budget. I don't envy that task one iota and as recent results have shown, so far, it's not working
  3. I can't debate this with people like you because you fail to read exactly what I have already written. I'll spell it out for you before I go and check on the pork chops I'm roasting. I have acknowledged Lowe's part in our downfall. My point is in response to the original poster's suggestion that we will be relegated by the decisions that the current board made on their return to the club. Those unsavoury decisions have had to be made because the previous boards who had control of the club allowed spending and our overdraft to increase to levels that have led to the savage cuts that have had to be made to stop the club leaking money and put it back on a sound financial basis. There. That was my point in a nutshell. Please excuse me whilst I go and make the gravy
  4. Please don't patronise me with that Lowe Luvvie crap. I'm just a fan who is desperately sorry to see our club where it is. Crouch didn't get rid of Hone and his crew, they left because they weren't going to get the nice little earners that the SISU deal would have got them. However, my point is that some cutbacks should have been made by the previous boards instead of our wage bill increasing to dangerous levels and their failure to keep finances under control has led us to where we are.
  5. Exactly the point I've been trying to make. The cutbacks should have happened when the parachute payment ceased, but we all know that the reality was that player wages increased beyond our ability to pay them. The fact that they didn't led to money leaking out of the club at an unsustainable rate and somehow it had to stop, the result being what we are seeing now. Unpalatable as it is, it has to be done to stop the bank from calling in the loans
  6. I can't possibly speculate on what Lowe might have done, the fact is he didn't because he was ousted. Wilde's own crew shafted him and their stupidity has left us where we are. I keep saying it didn't have to be this way and all people seem to do is look at relegation and Lowe. As I've said I can't and won't rewrite history and I'm well aware of the mistakes that led to relegation and Lowe leaving the club. It's what happened afterwards that has directly led us to the savage cutbacks we have suffered and the consequences of putting our faith in a very risky strategy of an untested foreign coach and a bunch of kids. Many good people have lost their jobs at the club because people like Hone and Crouch didn't do theirs.
  7. I am specifically talking abour our current situation and the suggestion that we were relegated by this board before a ball was kicked. We all know our recent history and I would never attempt to rewrite history by absolving Lowe of any blame, but those who followed had a duty to run the club in a sensible manner and the fact is the first lot just took what they could, knowing they would fail and leave and Crouch then failed to begin to take steps to reduce our losses. Anyone who describes gambling with our club as "laudable" is plainly mad. How many other clubs have gone before us by gambling with money they didn't have and suffering the consequences of successive relegations? The result of that gamble is what we see now, but if any of those that followed Lowe had run the club within its means, we could have been looking forward to our football instead of worrying about relegation once more.
  8. Well if the previous 2 boards had run the club in a sensible manner then there would have been no need for Lowe to come back. What they did was gamble with our club and increase player wages to a completely unsustainable level, particularly when the standard of player that they signed was well below what we needed. All those people on here and the previous forums that preceded it that demanded the club "speculate to accumulate" got your wish, and the fruits of that policy are what we are left with now. The simple fact is that there is no money in football at the moment, and with the economic climate being like it is, there is no-one out there who wants to buy into an ailing football club. So not only is there no money coming in, the current board has to stop the money flowing out as it has been. Sadly that means getting rid of our high wage earners. We might go down this season, administration will make relegation a certainty, but the hope is that these kids can develop and learn and put in a strong finish in the 2nd half of the season You might blame the current board for our situation, but whilst the seeds were sown a couple of years back, it was crass stupidity like increasing player wages having lost the parachute payment that has led to the cutbacks we've had to suffer.
  9. That's there just in case she gets accosted by a desperate foot fetishist
  10. Like many others I viewed the revolutionary set up with a certain amount of cynicism. I guess they had to do their best to convince the fans that not renewing Pearson's contract and bringing in Poortvlieet was a positive thing for the club, and not, as it actually was, a huge risk given the level at which he has coached and the complete lack of success that foreign coaches seem to have had at Championship level. I was somewhat reassured when the coaching team announced that the set up would be old heads to guide the young ones, ie a mixture of experience and youth, but I am now extremely concerned that the balance is completely wrong with too many kids lacking the strength and experience. Enthusiasm can only take the team so far. I don't understand how, when the club is financially crocked, we can buy an 18 year old French player for a million when we could have brought in a couple of more experienced players. I'm not completely convinced that we are going down, but if the policy is to continue using virtually all youth players, then I do fear that league one is our next stop
  11. Well some of the crowd had started at the end of the Blackpool game which I thought was a tad harsh because but for a missed penalty and a few good saves from Rachubka the result could have been different. Fair enough if the players hadn't been trying, but they had. I think people have to realise that the club has employed a long term strategy to rebuild and these kids are still learning and gaining both strength and experience, so the first target this season must be safety and anything else is a bonus. If JP talks about the play offs, then all well and good, I think it's a mite early to be talking about that kind of position. Ultimately I think the club will give JP the time he needs, but I don't think too many fans will unless we start putting our chances away, and the boys are creating them. I think they need to keep the faith, keep their heads up and the results will come. They just need to keep doing what they are doing
  12. Yeah whatever. You know best. I guess all the people at the club that I knew at the time were liars.
  13. I knew several people inside the club during Pahars lost years and they made no secret of the fact that he had lost the desire to play. He was just happy to pick up his wages.
  14. No, I agree with Oz that Pahars sold us short, and more importantly, he sold himself short. When he first arrived he was hungry and was brilliant, but once he got comfortable, he barely played for 2-3 years, always picking up a virus or a niggling injury. If he had more cojones and played during our relegation season, we might have fared a little better than we did. The fact that he went to Famagusta in Cyprus and was released suggests his heart was never in it once he made a few bob. When you compare him with the character and determination of Michael Svensson, then Killer earns my respect hands down
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