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Everything posted by stthrobber

  1. I would never say Yes were one of my favourite bands of my teenage years, but Close To The Edge and Relayer are two of my favourite albums. Squire's bass playing is quite distinctive as Entwistle's was for The Who. Sad that Squire's passing has scarcely made a ripple in the news
  2. I'm sorry to hear that news. I saw Yes at the Mayflower when it was the Gaumont on the Relayer tour. One of the best live gigs I've ever been to.
  3. Mine arrived last week and after the 15gb update I started a game, but I want to finish Dark Souls 2 before moving on to TESO
  4. I played Skyrim ad nauseum last year. I traded in Dragon Age Inquisition, the simplistic combat system and the fact that I kept accidentally switching control to other characters meant my patience ran out with it. I'm playing Dark Souls 2 instead now. I get killed loads but somehow, this game has got me hooked despite its unforgiving nature. When that's done, I've got The Witcher 3 waiting. If you played 42 hours of Dragon Age, then you're fair play to you. I don't think I did 5
  5. I just bought PES 2015 for Xbox One for £22 on Amazon. Shame that they didn't get the licenses so that I could play as Saints but at least the players are in the game.
  6. I've not played FIFA for some time, but I'm not sure about the inclusion of female players in the game. It might be an attempt to broaden the appeal of the game, but personally I am not interested in women's football despite the BBC's constant attempts to convince me otherwise. I was going to buy FIFA 15 but I was dissuaded by bad reviews and people that said PES was the better game, so I'm holding out for the price to drop before I buy it.
  7. I was playing The Last Of Us through twice before attempting this one, and my initial thoughts are that the game seems very confusing, in the first instance there's far too much dialogue and not enough actual playing. There's a prologue to get through before the name of the game comes up, then loads of dialogue and then I sort of got lost in a quest, and by that I mean confused. I want to like it, but the voice acting isn't brilliant, the graphics are good, but I'm not really getting this game atm, but I nearly abandoned The Last Of Us, so I will keep going on this game
  8. Well I stuck with it, and it took me a long time, but I finally began to understand how to develop my weapons and I've actually restarted the game to see if I missed anything. I think I'd got about halfway through, in fact I got as far as "Winter" where you kill the deer. It is a very good game.
  9. Well at that price I did order it. So I'll let you know
  10. I've seen the PS4 version on Amazon for £32 and wondered if anyone has played it. It's supposed to have a huge game world to play in, but I did have the old Dragon Age game on Xbox 360 and didn't really get on with it. Might be worth a look for that price
  11. Thanks for that. I'll take a look
  12. I saw a post on here a few weeks back where someone had bought a new PC from Scan, but posts on here seem to disappear quite quickly. I'm thinking of getting a new machine for gaming, no budget to work from fortunately. I'm just wondering how good the Scan machine is. My current machine is from Novatech and has been brilliant, but it's knocking on a bit, but that company has closed their Cardiff store now. So my options at the moment seem to be Scan, Novatech, Overclockers or can someone recommend another company? (Not Dell!)
  13. I thin the reason the players got lengthy band is because whilst many folks think of spitting as just disgusting, it can and does spread serious illness. We have in Cardiff, a policy of treating all incidents where someone spits at a bus driver as assault. The football authorities clearly see it as serious. I remember reading that Joe Strummer of The Clash contracted Hepatitis from the old punk habit of spitting at the band in the late 70s.
  14. No, I haven't seen a bloater yet, but I will stick with it and come back later if I get hooked
  15. Thanks guys. I'm just at the bit where they're going across town to find parts to get the car going. I don't think it's a bad game, in many ways it reminds me of the most recent Tomb Raider game, maybe the slower pace doesn't suit me, or maybe it will hook me in. I will complete it though. I didn't get hooked on Destiny until I was near the end of the storyline As for The Order, I'll probably wait until the price drops and reconsider.
  16. I read the reviews of this game, most were extremely positive, but many also said it's very short and has no replay value. That's enough to turn me away from it. I am currently playing The Last Of Us, the updated PS4 version and it's okay, but not the masterpiece many claim. I find it a little slow and it hasn't hooked me in like Skyrim and Destiny did.
  17. Well I now have both machines as the Xbox One has Forza 5 and PS4 doesn't have a decent racer on it yet. There is no doubt that Xbox has the better controller and I can link to my PC and play music etc. The Xbox I bought came with Kinect which IMO is a waste of time although the newer version doesn't need you to have a vast room but it's much quicker just to press the home button than use voice commands etc. Overall I'm happy with both machines but the one thing I don't get, is that the TV app on Xbox wants me to plug a cable from Sky or a Freeview box into it to view TV. What's the point of that? All it means is that you don't have to change source on your TV but it seems like a feature most people wouldn't bother with.
  18. I'm not particularly au fait with he latest PC technology but my desktop and laptop are both i7 cpu and although the graphics card isn't a slouch by any means there are better spec cards out there. I don't see any mention of the network card being wireless. I bought mine from Novatech, a Pompey based company that had a store in Cardiff and I've found them to be excellent. I would decide your best budget and then see what's available.
  19. Above shown ably in fire team with Smirking Saint this afternoon. God knows how many times he had to help me out
  20. No mate,no camera. I did have similar problems with Half Life 2 on the PC whilst driving around in the hoverboaty thing. I did play again the other day and it wasn't quite so bad, but I have to stop playing after a while
  21. I hope someone else has this game as I've had it for a few weeks but only began really playing it yesterday, and after an hour my temperature went up, my head began spinning and I thought I was going to chuck, so I stopped playing, assuming I'd eaten something dodgy. After a while it passed, but when I went back a few hours later, same thing happened, and when I Googled the game/nausea I found that a few people had experienced similar problems, but whilst Steam users had managed a workaround, I haven't seen anything which would help me on the PS4.
  22. stthrobber


    I seem to remember reading that Palace fans were laughing at us that Fonte was still in the side last season but he has earned his place, grown into the role and proved himself above and beyond what many though him capable of. I do include myself in that. I thought the same with Rickie in the Championship and he proved me wrong both there and when we got promoted back to the PL. Basically I know nothing
  23. I bit the bullet and bought the game from Steam. I didn't realise until yesterday that the proper logos and club badges for the PL aren't in there. I never play as Saints, I always use a lower league side. Given the money that SI Interactive and Sega have, it seems fairly **** that you have to download proper logos etc from fan sites.
  24. To me it's Borderlands without the humour, mixed with Halo. It's a good game. Single player game is a bit short, but there's loads of Multi player options, but I'm a bit crap at multiplayer
  25. I got one for my birthday this year, in Argos
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