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  1. Travelled from over in North Wales to watch the Birmingham game today and agree with some of the negative comments regarding some of our supporters - in my row we had a dad with his young kids who were f'ing and blinding, flicking the v's etc, another threatening to punch other Saints fans for not standing up and singing and another fan walking up and down kicking the seat in front of him! I take my son to the games to enjoy the atmosphere and watch the football, to be honest I don't think any of these individuals focussed on the football at all - not that we produced much today! On a slightly separate note, the ground Steward told us we could sit anywhere we liked when we showed him tickets - I'd read a warning about this on a 'grounds guide' website which of course causes problems when latecomers want to claim the seat number on their ticket! Did anyone else at the game have a problem with this?
  2. Thanks for the welcome - thought it was about time I started posting! Live in North Wales so rely on Saints TV to follow the games, so far I have only been able to make it to 6 matches or so this season.
  3. Connection via Saints TV used to regularly cut out, but a change of my internet supplier has made things better over last couple of months! Found Radio Hampshire website broadcasts a 'unable to broadcast for contractual reasons' type message during live game so Saints TV would appear to be the only guarantee of live commentary for home and away games. I listen to the '3rd half' and after match chat via the radio Hampshire link as the Saints TV link stops around 6pm - and the sound quality is better!
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