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  1. Haha, if you could actually see what they were up to on their warm weather training break, I am not sure how beneficial you would consider it. I live out here and went on the **** with them one of the nights as I know one of them. Never seen a group of lads put it away like them, although most of us couldn't stand up by the end. I hate West Ham as a footballing team, but a top bunch of lads it has to be said (other than Carroll). Gave them lots of banter about them playing long ball and they took it well and gave plenty back. Heard some really interesting stories from them, not sure Lambert really wanted to go there in Jan, him and Nolan are good mates and Nolan was trying to convince him from what I could work out. Lets hope they don't keep this form up, I bet Downing 3k that saints would finish above them!
  2. I am deffo interested mate, would love to go. Rory.macfadyen@gmail.com
  3. I had a dream that we lost 6-0. The last vivid Saints related dream I had was Jan Paul Saeijs banging a 30yd free kick into the top corner. Next game, Watford away, this happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQowmHIxcg. Lets hope I can't actually predict the future in my dreams. Actually, I had some pretty vivid dreams as a teenager that I wouldn't mind coming true....
  4. Shaw just tweeted saying "Wow". Full call up maybe? Nothing less than he deserves IMO.
  5. They aren't taking any up to Stanford Bridge, just double checked with the ticket office. They couldn't give me a reason for it which seems strange. I can book the tickets and someone else can pick them up, so if anyone is heading to St Marys and wouldn't mind picking them up, let me know and I will be forever grateful!
  6. Does anyone have a spare ticket for the game? Living and working in London it is impossible for me to get down to SMS to pick one up. Alternatively, if anyone is going to the ticket office today would they be willing to pick one up for me, will reward them handsomely with beverages of choice!
  7. We have enquired about Jarvis, his mrs is from the area so is keen. The sticking point last time I heard was "whether we can afford him".
  8. His long term girlfriend is from just outside Southampton........
  9. There was a group of absolute bell ends in the itchen today. Usually i would go for the Northam but mixed it up. I live in London and go to as many games as possible, home and away, been to 12 this season, can't afford a season ticket or the cost of travelling down. When I walked to my seat, a group of "fans" started giving me some abuse about being a plastic and not knowing my way round the stadium. I have supported this club since I was a boy ffs and go to as many games as possible. What is it with some people, why turn on your own fans, disgraceful.
  10. I will take them, cant DM tho, email me on rory.mac@live.co.uk if you still have them! Cheers.
  11. Really?? You are a tit!
  12. I will take them off your hands of you still have them?
  13. Nope, still got the ticket. You get my text?
  14. Sweet, can give it to you at the game if you want? DM your mob number.
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