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About David

  • Birthday 28 July

David's Achievements

  1. According to wikipedia he's already here... "Current club Southampton" "On 11th August 2011 he signed for Southampton in a 5 year deal worth £5.2 million." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicky_Maynard
  2. I only included them because I've been told they are weird crushes by other people. Maybe they are perfectly normal and my friends are weird.
  3. Dunst Deschanel
  4. David

    MOBO awards

    No, I think they are. It's just that rock music has so many distinct genres that I think that backs up my claim that most music genres are of black origin, or at least partly black. It seems like these days if a white artist sings a pop song, it's pop and if Alicia Dixon sings the same song it's R&B.
  5. David

    MOBO awards

    If you're going to divide country, folk and blue grass up into separate genres then the amount of rock genres far outweigh any other. Pop music is colourless and derivative of soul and rock 'n' roll.
  6. David

    MOBO awards

    More importantly, why were no rock acts nominated? Isn't just about every genre of music 'of black origin'.
  7. Yes. The best I've seen so far: Kick-Ass Toy Story 3 American: The Sory of Bill Hicks (Released this year, made in 2009)
  8. David

    Saints Aid

    Actually the thing I was most surprised about was the age of the attendees. The majority seemed to be either small kids or 40+, hardly any 'youth of today'.
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