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Everything posted by bugenhagen

  1. On that note I will say I find stats quite interesting. I may have said in earlier posts that I find most stats boring and uninteresting, but that is not the case... I love stats 😍
  2. Hehe, yeah, exactly - I just think there are to many different variables either way to make anything reasonable out of it... unless you have an agenda, and need something to try and make a point πŸ˜‰ I guess I am more interested in what managers are doing while at Saints. Martin vs Selles in L1 tells me little about how Martin is doing right now, if we can win the play offs or not...
  3. That is not interesting... like comparing Strachans time at Celtic with Koemans time at Everton? To decide who did a better job at Saints?
  4. It's not both ways, it is the same. Total points say something about the number of wins, draws and losses that the position does not. Anyways, I don't care if youl like Puel over Martin or the other way around. I want us to be better than we are now under Martin, and I wanted us to be better than we were under Puel. Just the same people banging on this drum again and again... and now I am doing it too... fuck me πŸ˜„
  5. Are you sure? Ever tried to push it past 88? πŸ˜‰
  6. That sums up what pretty much every manager says after conceding... There is only one cure for a sloppy defence... more cowbell!
  7. I don't think he has proven himself one way or another yet in regards to the job he has done for a little less than a year. The most negative is the lack of stability, the only reason I am a little annoyed. The positive is that we will get in somebody else who are not so intent on making us a copy of City, and might put different pressure on Martin (and may want his own man in as manager soon).
  8. Didn't stop Janny-B coming back πŸ˜‰
  9. I agree with you and don't want him to change his style too much, but mabye just adapt a little if he is going to be more than an impact player/game changer. Whilst I am happy that we have a player like him to come off the bench, I think he would be a bigger asset if we could utilise his strenghts over 90 mins. He has not made a good claim for a first team spot the times he has started games. Could have something to do with Downs being injured, but I like him better as a sub so far.
  10. I like him as a player, but do not think his style of play fits our system in a balanced way. I think he is really good off the ball attacking wise, moving into the box in a second wave etc. He has a good finish and a decent drive with the ball at his feet. As mentioned above, he looks like he can add a bit of bite in midfield, but I feel that every time he has started a game, his good movement and attacking runs leaves too much space after him in midfield. Needs some more coaching or time to be more than a good impact sub in Martin's style of play. Think I only would start him if Stu was out.
  11. Thank f... for Roddy
  12. Subs all wrong today. Why take off the genuine quality of Brooks and replace it with... nothing.
  13. That is not what he is saying... You just cherry picked one part of that post πŸ˜‰
  14. I think this is a very important lesson. The other ting I keep thinking about is that he has fucked up our fitness in this period with a lot of games. He has completely missed the mark with regards to us playing with the right amount of energy. Either way - Martin is responsible for this dip in form. He needs to sort it out fast, if there is even a tiny chance left of promotion this season. For me, Martin did not earn credit during the brillant run. He raised the bar. Now its time to clear it or fuck off...
  15. Via league 1?
  16. Yeah, I kind of agree. There is a differece between booing the score and the performance. Rothwell even said after the game that we were were nowhere near it first half, and allways half a yard off.
  17. I have to admit that I was lacking that around 70 mins. Thought about turning off the telly and giving up. Scarred by the last couple of years (and a bit of a temper when losing) but thought "this team is different - I might miss a great comback"
  18. Horrible to watch. Midtfield is missing. Looking just like it did in September.
  19. Nah, just blessed with long legs πŸ˜‰
  20. Yo could claim it was said as sort of terms of endearment πŸ˜‰
  21. On Android it’s easy with google chromecast. Same from pc. Never got it to work on iPhone. Probably Airplay, but Apple is my weaker foot.
  22. Watching our last games, I am getting a feeling that maybe our training intensity is too low. We can train against our own players at a pace that makes everything seem to work in training, but when Saturday comes, our tempo and passing is too slow against other teams. We get caught in possession and struggle to move the ball fast enough.
  23. You sure he wasn't referring to players, and everything else with a value not nailed down
  24. I agree. I wanted Che out after last season, and I still hope we get rid. Problem is, he is going to sit and wait for the final day of the window, cause bigger clubs will surley come in for him (in his eyes). So we have to get a striker in now - Che will leave on the last day, no doubt in my mind.
  25. The hype on here? I don't see much of that around πŸ˜„
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