They've filmed loads of footage over a fair few weeks already. Filming was taking place tonight in the Road and in The Old Farmhouse too. I've seen some of the people they've been talking to: This is going to be embarrassing.
It's good to see that, even in times of distress and fleeing for their lives, bison still adhere to traffic regulations and run on the right hand side of the carriageway.
There's a fair chance that Coppell will stay, I guess - only because nobody from pompey knows how to calculate a reduced and deferred percentage of £0 as a pay off.
If anyone wishes to moan about it, there's a live Q&A session tonight between 6pm-7pm, on Soton CC's Facebook page, to discuss road improvements and transport policies.
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It just goes to show you: There are a lot of people out there who fall for the PS4's 1080p / 60hz specs, despite its texture filtering being poorer than the Xbox One's, thus making it visually inferior.
Does anyone know exactly how many season ticket holders they have?
Take off the 61 hardy ASFC fans, the ST holders and the comps, and I bet that doesn't leave many cash sales.
Cash flow? Their cash flow is only flowing one way
Jeremy Butler is a good pal of mine. He was going in there as General Manager for Wilde. They spent six months on this, agreed a deal twice, and were sat in a room with lawyers ready to sign the deal.
Alas, they've had enough now.