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Everything posted by Essruu

  1. Radio Solent do a free plug for charity and other events on some of the shows. Free-Ads maybe, get the Echo to run a little piece - these would all be £5.00 cheaper than paying £5.00 to advertise it on here. Or, depending on who your target audience is (I don't know as I haven't read whatever it is you're talking about) maybe spend the £5.00 on a ream of paper and some ink and print off some flyers and distribute them to people who might be interested in whatever it is you're doing. All in all, there are probably better ways of reaching people with a message about a charity event than posting it on a football forum.
  2. nick, I wasn't being aggressive I've got my opinion on the matter, you've got yours and everyone else will have theirs. This thread was nothing to do with b-anter until someone else brought it up, then Eastleigh Soul Boy for some reason felt the need to question my principles and use the tired old 'racism' critiscism of b-anter; surely you don't begrudge me the right of reply and to put him straight on his inaccuracies and moral double standards... at least while I have some spare posts to use up!
  3. Principles of free speech and believing any group of people, eventually, will find their own collective levels of tolerance within their group. Have you even looked at b-anter lately? You implying that it's just one long racist bile fest clearly proves that you haven't. Agreed, in the early days when people heard that there were little or no rules or boundaries, it did get certain people testing that with some of the crap that was written. Now, the levels of tolerance within a group that I mentioned above, have reached a level where any stupidly racist or offensive stuff is either ignored : roll : eyes are done. There's subtle ironic and 'funny' racist comments sure, but then the interchange between Al De Man and Saintkip above shows that similar takes place and is allowed to remain on here. You clearly have your own standards which means you think it's ok to glorify your hooligan past on this forum; others may think that is wrong or bad, so don't go taking the moral high ground. If you actually took the time to read b-anter from time to time then you'd see it's not so different from here, only funnier, plus that Jew Master Bates posts even more rubbish and tries to be even more offensive because he knows he can and still hasn't found the level. If you want to castigate anyone, castigate him. Or, better still, put your DMs on, tie your silk scarfs around your wrists and then kick his head in with your Neanderthal mates and then go back to the pub and laugh about it 20yrs later when you're all even more fat and past it.
  4. jill, you're a ****. If you're suggesting that I'm bullsh1tting, then I'll tell you what I'll do: I will PM you full details on b-anter of what he's doing and where, then I will lock your account so that you can't read it. Then, when or if it's finally disclosed elsewhere I will unlock your account so that you can read the datestamped PM. How's that? Goodnight suckers.
  5. Grow up. It's hardly a rival site and I wouldn't want it to be. Donations are one thing, but having to pay to subscribe to a forum is retarded. If it wasn't every forum would do it. S4E seemed to survive with rare voluntary donations and that was with just Keith funding it. If the numerous forum owners on here can't do the same then there's something wrong. Those that wanted to subscribe to S4E, like those on here, did so. Tell me nickh, how many other forums have you ever subscribed to to be able to post on? Or anyone else for that matter? The contributions of the Registered Users who aren't going to pay will be missed. For example, I would like to start a thread giving funny details of what Nathan Dyer is having to do for his community service. It's fitting and funny, but you won't get the benefit of knowing until someone else finds out now because I can't start a thread on it. Tough luck. I will go and PM some people on another forum where I can send PMs on. : roll :
  6. How many forums does anybody think exist where you have to pay to post on the messageboard (excluding any that may provide adult/premium content) be it football, music or any other lifestyle category? Do any of you pay to post on other forums? Would you? If and when thesaintsweb supersite is up and running and there is premium video or other beneficial exclusive content available, then I'd understand; but to post on a messageboard? It has already been admitted that a Ltd company has been set up and the intention is for it to be a profitable business. Get a grip people.
  7. Once you're sent past the 'you are logged in' screen, just click on the main banner or Private Messages or another link around the site. The same thing used to happen to me quite regularly on previous Symbian and Windows devices; it's never happened on my iPhone though :-)
  8. F*** O** jillsaint you C***
  9. FAO a kind Full Member type person: As fully fledged Registered Members have been deemed by His Bajesty to be not worthy of starting new threads, surely some kind fully paid up ripped off mug of a Full Member could start a new thread entitled The Really Useful Registered User Thread, or something like that; where Registered Users can start discussions without taking existing threads off topic. Also, while I'm at it: Another thread entitled (un)Private Private Messages for Registered Users. As the vermin that are Registered Users re unable to send or receive Private Messages, a thread where they could send messages FAO someone would be handy. The rules regarding FAO messages would have to be reconsidered and possibly rewritten as the option is not there for long-term Registered Users to send Private Messages instead anymore. I shall continue to monitor this site and advise on ways to further improve it in due course.
  10. Remote Google Facebook Midomi (losing this soon possibly) Clowdy LocalPicks TubeStatus LastFM Shakespeare iChoose Palringo Flashlight Dobot Todos (losing this soon) Labyrinth (full version, only App I've so far paid for!) Tap Tap JawBreaker (excellent reproduction of this game) Cubicman Lite Cube Runner iPint Hangman Solitaire Free
  11. JB seems to be using the Stalker App.
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