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Everything posted by Essruu
I just completed an online purchase of a new MacBook and iPod Nano. You could've bought my old white MacBook for £400 (the amount I just sold it for) instead of that rubbishy old Fujitsu Siemens one :cool:
The keys are backlit, so they don't rub off like your average Windows Lapblock. If his parents think he's only worth £50 then he should kill them anyway.
The new MacBook that was unveiled 30mins ago: - If your parents won't buy you one, kill them.
Unless Dubai Phil has a handicap of 1 or under, ignore him.
Wiltshire Saint, you seem to go out of your way to put Barney Trubble down. Maybe the world would be a better place without you too? I'm not saying that I hope you die in a car crash, but those that share your uncaring views might.
So your chances of scoring remain at zero then.
Sol Sol, wherever you may be Not long now 'til lunacy And we don't give a **** if you're hanging from a tree Judas cnnt with HIV No racism in there at all. In fact, I think the Spurs fans should be applauded for the way they managed to get the words to scan well with a difficult tune and awkward syllable arrangement. Their rendition of OWTSGMI also reminds me of the Itchen Corner (R.I.P)'s version and knocks spots off of the rubbish 100mph Northam one.
If you have to get drunk to enjoy yourself then this proves my belief that you're a boring cnt in real life too. You use excessive alcohol to disguise the fact that you hate yourself as much as everyone else hates you.
Job booked, incl return journey. I'll let you all know if the Friday night turns into the rush hour journey from hell, just so you can all laugh at me.
Patrick Bateman, my secretary, will PM you my email address in a moment!
Yes, she's slightly underquoted, but Id do it for that for you... only you can't PM me if you're interested, me being a Registered User and all that!! PM Patrick Bateman if you're interested, I'm sure he won't mind passing on my contact email to you
Assuming you sleep for 8hrs and are awake and texting for the other 16hrs in a day, that's approximately one text every 10mins of every single day, including periods when you're at working or at school (it's difficult to gauge your actual age on here, you may be older than your intellect and lack of maturity suggests). I suggest you forget any thoughts of buying a new phone/contract and, instead, start saving for a life.
When they're clearly trying to out iPhone the iPhone, I see no indication that either Google or T-Mobile have any idea of how to out. 1. The Price It might be free on one of the more expensive contracts, but so is the iPhone. UK prices for lower tariffs tbc. Like it or not, the iPhone is a status symbol. The first reaction will not be, "Wow! It's the same price as an iPhone!" No, the reaction will be, "Wow! I can get an iPhone for the same price? [or "not much more?"]" 2. The Storage It does not allow saving of media to internal storage. Which makes sense since it has none. You a phone with a 1 GB MicroSD card. Whoops! There goes any savings if the price is lower on lower contracts! And the GooPhone is expandable only to 8GB making a potential iPhone negative, the lack of expandable memory, irrelevant since the basic free/£99.00 iPhone ships with 8GB out of the box; 16GB if you want it. 3. The Keyboard I know the Blackberry dorks will whine, but its done. The physical keyboard is no longer going to be acceptable to most people because of the the size, weight, and complexity it adds to a phone. Apple has set the standard for thin smartphones and that's just the way it is. 4. No Exchange Support I assume the pundits will sqwawk endlessly about how this makes the GooPhone a non-starter in businesses as they did with the iPhone. And looks like they were right. 5. Media No onboard media player, Amazon MP3 store only. Need I go on? 6. Headphone Jack The hordes screeched when the original iPhone's headphone jack was screwy because it was recessed and didn't work with many standard headsets. Well guess what? The GooPhone's jack doesn't work with any standard headsets as it is a proprietary plug. You'd think they might have learned the lesson of the iPod: you are going to have to be significantly cheaper and better than the iPhone to hope to beat Apple. Similar price and similar features aren't going to cut it. Because you damn sure ain't gonna win on style.
Actually, as I struggle to even find one thread to post on these days, I'll make it three votes for 'Don't Care'. I seriously doubt I'd find anything else worthwhile to waste it on in the next 24hrs. : r o l l :
Make it two votes.
One vote for 'Don't Care' from me.
I'm genuinely pleased for you, but your well documented failures prove that, like most people, you're generally pretty rubbish at gambling. The trouble is, this win will surely only encourage you to continue with your gambling ways and maybe gamble even more often or for higher stakes. You got lucky this time. You should thank your lucky stars and quit now, but you won't; in fact, I doubt you'll give up until you've spunked it all away, gambled even more and lost everything; including your loved ones who eventually give up on you. You should enjoy the money and accept that you had a lucky escape, but I have a feeling that when you're an old man you'll end up sat in a bookies, nipping outside to smoke your roll-ups every now and again and with each betting slip that you screw up and bin you'll be left pondering all that you've thrown away and lost in your life thanks to you're gambling.
Slut Bunch more like.
I don't know what you Full Members are moaning about. You get loads for your money. Apart from there STILL not being a 'Premier Southampton fan site', or indeed any 'rubbish fan site' content (maybe it's 'COMING SOON' still), you get benefits like: - 1. being able to display an 80x80 picture under your name 2. being able to send private messages to other people, nerds and weirdos on the internet (most of whom you've probably never met and never will) and you are also able to receive messages from said people, nerds and weirdos 3. you get the words 'Full Member' displayed under your name and avatar to show your commitment to the funding of the Premier Southampton fan site (coming soon) 4. your birthday gets displayed in the 'Today's Birthdays' section at the bottom of the Forum main page. This facility has been withdrawn for Registered Users for some unknown reason - maybe because of abuse, maybe because it was felt that only Full Members deserve to have congratulatory messages posted because they've paid their £5 to the Directors 5. you can start new threads on topics including (but not limited to) What are your weekend plans (make it sound like you're really popular and great and have an action packed weekend ahead that everyone should be jealous of); Rate Your Weekend (repeat what you last put in the 'What are your plans for the weekend' thread and make it sound like you're really popular and great and had an action packed weekend that everyone should be jealous of even though it was really rubbish); What you are going to have for lunch; What you've just eaten for lunch; Happy Birthday to [insert name of Full Member whose name appears in the Today's Birthdays' section]; plus other scintillating thread titles that Full Members and Registered Users alike will struggle to use up three posts on. Don't forget, Registered Users can't start threads, the losers. Plus, don't forget there's the Premier Southampton fan site anywhere on the internet (COMING SOON) (Possibly). All in all, it's probably the best £5 I've never spent.
Calling you a 'stupid f*cking c*nt' doesn't count, because that is true.
I can confirm that none of the above-mentioned drivers were me. a) I do not have a tv in the car where the stereo would go. I have removable dvd screens in the back, but no tv. I do however know the car and driver of whom you speak. b) I do not swear when carrying fare paying passengers... unless some other c*nt on the road p*sses me off. c) I have never been bitten by a spider.